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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 06:44



热心网友 时间:2023-07-09 18:01

As we can see, the price of the proct A has a tendency of going down. But the ratio won't be too big. We sold the proct A at $2 dollars to our American clients in our old factory. As you know, the material of proct A is oil, and the price of oil is very unstable. Therefore, I cannot give you an exact price until June.(客户有可能是*徒,这样开上帝的玩笑一是会让他们觉得不舒服,二是不太合适在谈生意的时候说)It is also really hard to predict the price of 2 years later(现在很难预估两年之后的价格), because it will involve in the price of labor, and the price of the environment etc.
Also, unfortunately, our company won't accept Euro from this year. You know that Euro changes way too fast, it was 1Euro:10RMB last year, and this year 1 Euro only worths 9RMB.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-09 18:01

For now, A proct of the price decline, but the decrease is not too much. In our old factory is still procing A, we sell to U.S. customers the price of 2 U.S. dollars. You know, A proct of the raw materials is the oil (oil), the price of this proct fluctuated, extremely unstable, so wait until the June I can give you an accurate price. As for the 2 years after what would the price, I am not God, how do I know? And it is a very complex issue, because that would involve labor costs, environmental costs and so on.

Again, from the beginning of this year, our company will no longer accept the euro, the euro changed you know it is too fast last year, also 1 euro 10 yuan, the euro is now down to 9 a.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-09 18:02

Currently, the price of A proct is falling trend, but the size is not too large. In our old factory in procing A still, we sell the price is us $2 client. You know that A proct is the raw material, the oil (oil) proct price extremes, extremely unstable, so as to June I can give you an exact price. But after two years, what will be the price I'm not god, how should I know? But this is a very complex problem, because it involves labor costs, environmental cost, etc.
Again, from the beginning of this year, we company no longer accept � �, you know, it's fast changing last year, 10 RMB 1 euro exchange is now 9 fell to the euro.


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