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英语作文 邻里关系 英语作文60字左右

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 01:49



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 18:48

On October 1st this year,I went to the Beijing Railway station to pick up one of my friends,who was going to spend his holidays in Beijing.It was the first time for me to pick up someone in the railway station.So I didn’t know exactly what to do.I arrived there half an hour earlier and asked the officials for some information.Thanks to their help,I found my friend easily.
It is about ten minutes’ walk from the South Gate of Peking University to the Weiming Lake.Walk up the Wusi Road for about 5 minutes,and turn right at the end of the road,where you can see the library on the left.Walk on for about 50 meters and then turn left at the first turning.Go along the road,and you will find the Weiming Lake on the left.If you cannot find it,you may ask the students on campus.They are very helpful.
Last weekend I went shopping with my friend in the Yinzuo supermarket.We found that a lot of goods were in sold discount,so we bought many things including food,drink and something else that we may use very often.We thought they were both good and cheap.My friend and I often go to the Yinzuo Supermarket because it is not very far from our university and it is also a supermarket that is worth trusting.
The Hebei Province Shijiazhuang deer spring city has one " the Eastern household management " school,is the national only one household management professional specialized middle school,started from last year face the entire province impoverished area to recruit impoverished lives,the ecational system two years,every year 2500 Yuan school expenses and 500 Yuan lived the lodging allowance all all exempt,the after student graated has the school issues the certificate and is responsible to arrange the work,and so on the student officially started the after work 50% returns it first three monthly salaries the school,continued as the school to implement ecation helping the poor plan the fund.
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