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谁能帮我翻译一下 急!!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 01:16



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:34

In Promotion of incentives and the principles of justice

This paper analyzes the job promotion as a human resources management in the active role of incentives and negative Xiaoguo, but 也 defects and shortcomings, as a positive role Shi Zui Dahua, Ba minimize the impact of negative negative, upholding promotion Gong Zheng Xing is a key. Presented to decision-making principles of justice, that the result of the promotion decision justice, proceral fairness and impartiality of the contacts is the incentive to play a job promotion, promotion potential to eliminate the negative effects of the important measures. Promotion of human resource management is an important incentive. Just increase the performance of employees promoted to the results of job satisfaction. Internal selection process to ensure a fair result can be promoted to ensure maximum fairness that is really "the right people in the right positions," the purpose of this promotion. Proceral fairness can not eliminate or rece the career aspirations of staff to meet the sense of unfairness and negative emotions, to keep the majority of staff enthusiasm. Promotion of proceral fairness but also for the promotion of employees not specified in the direction of future efforts, establish appropriate expectations of career development, and guide the career development of staff to indivial and corporate objectives can be fused together, so as to foster the psychological staff recognition of enterprise, dedication and loyalty sense. Management decision-making process in the promotion of fair treatment of employees and managers to reflect the respect and appreciation to the staff, improve reporting relationships, and promote the spirit of cooperation and mutual aid actions. Of course, adhere to the principles of the promotion decision-making is not just the right incentive to play the role of promotion only measure. For each employee to design their career path, as the ability of different expertise in different, different interests, different staff with diverse personality development space, so all employees have their own display their talents in the world, is also the company to retain and motivate talent important measures.
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