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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 05:27



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 04:20

Given name: Zhou Jielun
Native place: Taiwan
English name: Jay Chou
Birthday: 1979-01-18
Place of birth: Taiwan
Height: 173cm
Body weight: 60kg
Blood-group: O
Constellation: Capricorn
School record: Dan river middle school music branch
Specialty: Writes the song, writes words, to play a ball game
Is expert in the musical instrument:Piano, cello, guitar, 爵士鼓
Music type:R&B
Pet phrase:Hangs
Biggest merit:The song and poem originality is strong, the e generation's new music people
Biggest shortcoming:Shy, is tenderhearted
Strongest wish:Goes all over world each quoin
Most loves the goods:Duckbill cap, each kind of musical instrument
Experience:The Dan river middle school chorus piano accompaniment, male regards -- hundred miles fragrant to fry fish (单元剧), street corner music 表演家 (role), the TVBS-G super new person king year second place
Family condition: (In family only son) father (physical teacher), mother (middle school fine arts teacher)
In circle good friend: Luo Zhixiang (young pig), Liu Genghong
Small time dream that, Is Li Xiaolong
First love: In country 隔壁班 schoolmate
Likes the girl type: The long hair, the oval face, Shan Fengyan (classical is beautiful)
Best creation partner: Side Wenshan
Most respected person: Grandmother, mother and daddy
Most likes movie: Miyazaki steed any cartoon movie
Hobby: Writes the song, watches the movie, 打篮球, plays electrically operated
Is expert in the musical instrument: Piano, cello, guitar, 爵士鼓
Most loves the movement: The basketball, the fitness, practices the pair of truncation stick
Most likes goods: Duckbill cap, each kind of musical instrument, black music, silverware, chewing gum
Collection hobby: Athletic shoes and hat
Most likes music: R&B, HIP-HOP
(Any type song all likes in fact)
Most likes attire: Nature, comfortable, HIP-HOP
(The simple T-SHIRT coat adds on short)
Most likes color: Blue color
Most likes food: The fried chicken, the chicken row related all likes with the chicken
(Is specially Hong Kong peaceful hall Swiss chicken wing), (is willing to result in chicken hometown chicken), moreover also likes drinking the sweet drink.
Most likes musician: Chopin, Li Site, Ma Youyou
Most likes actor: Li Lianjie
Most likes basketball star: MICHEAL JORDAN
Most likes singer: USHER, BABYFACE
Most thought place: France feels very romantically, but some opportunities want to try Shanghai or Beijing,
Rides the long-distance train to Inner Mongolia or Xinjiang, feels ....the sight scenery.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 04:20

Given name: Zhou Jielun
Native place: Taiwan
English name: Jay Chou
Birthday: 1979-01-18
Place of birth: Taiwan
Height: 173cm
Body weight: 60kg
Blood-group: O
Constellation: Capricorn
School record: Dan river middle school music branch
Specialty: Writes the song, writes words, to play a ball game
Is expert in the musical instrument:Piano, cello, guitar, Jazz drum
Music type:R&B
Pet phrase:Hangs
Biggest merit:The song and poem originality is strong, the e generation's new music people
Biggest shortcoming:Shy, is tenderhearted
Strongest wish:Goes all over world each quoin
Most loves the goods:Duckbill cap, each kind of musical instrument
Experience:The Dan river middle school chorus piano accompaniment, male regards -- hundred miles fragrant to fry fish (Unit play
), street corner music Actor (role), the TVBS-G super new person king year second place
Family condition: (In family only son) father (physical teacher), mother (middle school fine arts teacher)
In circle good friend: Luo Zhixiang (young pig), Liu Genghong
Small time dream that, Is Li Xiaolong
First love: In country Next door class schoolmate
Likes the girl type: The long hair, the oval face, Shan Fengyan (classical is beautiful)
Best creation partner: Side Wenshan
Most respected person: Grandmother, mother and daddy
Most likes movie: Miyazaki steed any cartoon movie
Hobby: Writes the song, watches the movie, play basketball, plays electrically operated
Is expert in the musical instrument: Piano, cello, guitar, Jazz drum Most loves the movement: The basketball, the fitness, practices the pair of truncation stick
Most likes goods: Duckbill cap, each kind of musical instrument, black music, silverware, chewing gum
Collection hobby: Athletic shoes and hat
Most likes music: R&B, HIP-HOP
(Any type song all likes in fact)
Most likes attire: Nature, comfortable, HIP-HOP
(The simple T-SHIRT coat adds on short)
Most likes color: Blue color
Most likes food: The fried chicken, the chicken row related all likes with the chicken
(Is specially Hong Kong peaceful hall Swiss chicken wing), (is willing to result in chicken hometown chicken), moreover also likes drinking the sweet drink.
Most likes musician: Chopin, Li Site, Ma Youyou
Most likes actor: Li Lianjie
Most likes basketball star: MICHEAL JORDAN
Most likes singer: USHER, BABYFACE
Most thought place: France feels very romantically, but some opportunities want to try Shanghai or Beijing,
Rides the long-distance train to Inner Mongolia or Xinjiang, feels ....the sight scenery.
昭君怨诗词大全(5首昭君怨古词) 道是春来花未,道是雪来香异。竹外一枝斜,野人家。词中吟诵的是 萌萌带着自己的压岁钱去买笔记本,买了2本后还剩1.8元。如果买同样的笔记... ...1.8元,买同样的作业本四本差2.4元,作业本多少钱一本。给算得方法说... ...如果买同样的硬面钞4本则差2.40元,那么小明带了多少钱? 小明带一些钱去买作业本,买两本之后还剩1.8元;如果买同样的练习本4本则... 我的QQ总是被盗,烦死了,我总要改密码,怎样才不会被盗密码? 我跟一个好兄弟绝交了有1年9个月,没有联系没有来往,但我的心一直惦记... ...了。最近他听说我生病做手术回来了,就去班长那里问我的近况,加我... 请问神舟七号载人航天飞行的圆满成功,将对我国经济产生哪些积极影响... 男声伴奏一直是oh oh 哪位亲故有EXO韩文歌曲的音译歌词 发给我可以吗 拜托拜托 哪一首都可以... 吃维生素e会发胖吗 女子吃一盘虾后检测出“酒驾”,被罚款3000元,吃了醉虾该不该开车? 女子吃醉虾被查酒驾是怎么回事? 求刘郡格的(No Fear in My Heart)MP3 亲~~~请问谁帮忙给我发下朴树的no fear in my heart mp3,O(∩_∩... 全面战争模拟器隐藏雷神在哪里结束任务 雷神鼠标ml701拆卸 羌笛何须怨杨柳春风不度玉门关是什么诗 春风已度玉门关 学生会纪检部面试要怎么回答问题,当被问到在考勤工作时如果学生不配合应... 验厂时车间的报表怎么操作啊 ? 怎么和考勤工时想匹配 ? 望有经验的大 ... 帮做英语题目 吃遍了芹菜其他做法,你有尝试过了芹菜新的吃法吗? [等着我]铮铮铁汉心结难解:爸爸妈妈 我是你们抛弃的孩子吗?是那期... 如何把赌博的儿子送进监狱 太阳在天蝎 月亮是处女 上升是摩羯求解析 我的一次赌博老婆万分生气选择放弃儿子离婚他会后悔吗儿子今年9岁了... 天蝎上升摩羯座女生性格 游子的背影如什么? ultraboost20有碳板吗 In my head if you in my ...一首英文歌,女生唱的。 ...in my head in my head my head my head ...女声的,比较像CLUB MUS... 求Jason Derulo - In My Head 歌词 歌词中有句in my head,是英文歌曲,是女的唱的,不是DJ,声音很低沉,求歌... 歌词是 I just can't in my head 欧美女歌手 什么歌名 now的发音 DoctorPePPer歌词音译 日语 オーバードーズ 是什么意思 找几首有动感的韩文歌,日文歌 为什么冲电电池不做成1.5伏? feeling lucky 歌词 What Went Wrong (In Your Head) 歌词 小护士乐团的《In My Head》 歌词 FM87.5今天下午有播过,求一首外国歌的歌名 好像是英文歌 乐队组合... Can't stop falling 歌词的中文 长得美还拼命[娱乐圈]_by赵二姑娘_txt全文阅读,百度网盘免费下载 黄河是中华民族的摇篮.它哺育了我们勤劳善良的品格和不怕困难,勇往直... 四个拼音怎么写??