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求back from the fire歌词 谢谢。

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 05:43



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 05:04


《Back In The Fire》歌词:
reams Schemes and everythings
Fill the sty corners of your mind -
As cars, boats and aeroplanes
Just remind you of a better time
As love's hopes and everyone's
Anyone worth a minute of your time -
When unhampered by the agents,
Of the governors of the faceless so opaque,
As bare tree's and winter winds
Just confine you to - a bitter place
A time you can't face-
A peace of your mind
We should be playing in the sunshine
Happy to be part of everything,
Not handled, greedy handlers
Brought down and destroyed
By their own ways-
Liars! Liars! - smoking on pipes.
Dimwit fires
Who Just throw it in their way-
And how's your father today
Was he caught in the rain ?
Waiting on a Bed
Putting up with the pain
Your three wishes expire
Now your back in the fire
Lock the genie in the shed
Put a pistol to his head
Not handcuffed to some wanker
Who doesn't know me
(and_ doesn't see (that) our lives are made-
(on) from all the efforts,
Of the masses,
And all the people who deserve a better - fate
Than a time you can't trace
No peace in your mind
A time you can't place
Now your back in the race-
Your three wishes expired
Now your back in the fire
(your three wishes expired -
Now your back in the fire)
See you just can't play
Now without a say
Always got to be the man
Always got to have the plan-
It doesn't run that way
Into the ether you'll say
(your three wishes expired -
Now your back in the fire)
Your three wishes expired -
Now your back in the fire
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