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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 05:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 23:46

A legend
The Greek world management grain the God of agriculture, mother earth, Demeter, have a beautiful daughter, Persephone, she is a brilliant spring goddess, as long as she gently Taguo place, will be full of delicate and charming flowers. One day she and friends are in the valley of a meadow flowers, suddenly, she saw a silver Narcissus, sweet and taste in the air, Persephone think: "it is more beautiful than any of my flower!" Beautiful and glamorous, so she secretly approached from their peers, hand was about to touch the flowers, all of a sudden, the ground opened a hole, a carriage pulled by two black horses, out of the ground, it is the grave Wanghaidi scholar, he was "the most beautiful love the God of spring" Persephone,. Trick and took her.
Persephone cries echoed in the valley, between ocean, of course, also spread to the mother Demeter ears, Demeter very sad! She left after harvest of grain, across the numerous hills and streams to find her daughter.
The little mother earth, the seeds will not germinate, fertile land can not proce clusters of wheat, humans would starve, Zeus see this situation had to command put Persephone Hades Hades, Zeus had to obey, but secretly he students tricks - before leaving to Persephone a fruit, Persephone know once she ate the fruit can not on human life, destined to return to the dark the stench of hell.
Jose did not distinguish method, had to say: "in a year, you will be only 1/4 of the time and Persephone together". From then on as long as the earth covered with sherbet, barren, people know this is Yinbosefen went to hell. Virgo represents the God of spring Persephone's beauty and chastity, mother grain, she has become a handheld. Even so, she would not be light of heart from care that play on the grass girl, every year in the spring, although she would rise, still touching Mingyan, but hell odor and fearful atmosphere but always with her.
Legend two
Legend Yasidelai is Jose and the goddess of justice's daughter, was the world of chaos, evil is rampant, the gods hate this world, far away from. But Yasidelai still holding a glimmer of hope, running around, but still no progress. We regret to leave the world, rose to the sky become maiden constellation.
Five the evening of June, in the southern sky, you can see her still sentimentally overlooking the earth.追问谢谢你

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