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help me to improve this introduce.thanks a lot.

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 00:23



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 13:45


Introction to The Garments Inspiration Online(灵感在线的翻译)

The Garments Inspiration Online (www.fzvogue.com) is one of
the best vogue information websites all over the world. It
provides the newest,fastest(不是特指,冠词不能重复使用) and most comprehensive information for the fashion instries.
The company possesses the most powerful research and development team; it is far more competitive than any other domestic fashion
information corporation(any other后面不能接复数,只能接单数).

The Garments Inspiration Online keeps its contents updated
in the Europe and USA. It collects the global vogue information
at anytime and everywhere. The contents include the latest
analyses of popular global fashion trends, fashion books, galleries, clothing patterns, conferences, magazines and all related information. It is the best searching engine (搜索引擎)and net platform in the field of clothing, circled with the
largest collections of information, the leading-edge
contents, the powerful functions and the perfect services.

The Garments Inspiration Online has the most comprehensive fashionable information. We can provide the premium services at extremely low prices, and the accurate and detailed classified data can make the designers clear with a glance(看一眼就清楚).Therefore,you will easily obtain the most valuble vogue informations within the shortest time. This can help our
consumers to get the information of fashion trends in no time
and then greatly improve(和get并列一致,用原形) their marketing campaign(市场竞争力).

The Garments Inspiration Online has applied advanced
network technology, showcased with clear pictures, quick
net speeding and bright colors of web pages, which make the
website visiting a pleasant experience and make people enjoy
the latest life styles at ease(轻松). Our website has already
designed(已经设计出,主动形式) with a simple and convenient interface which
enables us simple and easy access to our websites.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 13:46



The Garments Inspiration Online (www.fzvogue.com) is one of the best vogue information websites in the world. It provides the newest, the fastest and the most comprehensive information for the fashion instry. The company possesses the most powerful research and development team; it is far more competitive than any other domestic fashion information corporations.

The Garments Inspiration Online keeps its contents updated in Europe and USA. It collects the global vogue information at anytime and everywhere. The contents include the latest analyses of the popular global fashion trends, fashion books, galleries, clothing patterns, conferences, magazines and all related information. It is the best search engine and net platform in the field of clothing, coupled with the largest collection of information, the leading-edge contents, the powerful functions and the impeccable services.

The Garments Inspiration Online offers the most comprehensive information on fashions. We can provide the premium services at extremely low prices, and the accurate and detailed classified data can make the designers clear at a glance, offering easy access to the most voluble vogue information within the shortest time. This can help our customers get the information of fashion trend in no time and therefore greatly improves their market competitiveness.

The Garments Inspiration Online has applied advanced network technology, showcased with clear pictures, quick net speed and bright colors of web pages, which makes the website visit a pleasant experience and makes people enjoy the latest life styles with ease. Our website has been designed with a simple and convenient interface which allows simple and easy access to our website.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 13:46


The Garments Inspiration Online (www.fzvogue.com) is one of the best vogue information websites in the world. It specially provides the latest, fastest and the most comprehensive information for the fashion instry. The company possesses the most powerful research and development teams; it is more powerful than the other domestic fashion information corporations.

The Garments Inspiration Online keeps its contents updated in Europe and USA. It collects the global vogue information every time and everywhere. The content includes the latest analysis of global fashion and popular trends, the fashion books, gallery, clothing patterns, conferences, magazines and all related information. It is not only the best search engine and net platform in clothing circle with the most amount of information, but a perfect service in which leading-edge contents, and the powerful function are included.

The Garments Inspiration Online has the most comprehensive fashion information. It can provides the service of high cost performance for you with the ultra lower price. The accurately classified data in details can make the designer be clear at a glance; therefore, you will easily obtain the most valuable vogue information in a short time. This will enable you to grasp the information of fashion trend so rapidly and accurately that you and your enterprise can enhance market competitiveness greatly.

The Garments Inspiration Online has applied advanced network technology which can show the clear pictures, and provide quick net speed and bright color of web page in front of you. All of these make you feel pleased, so you can enjoy the lifestyle with relaxation. Our website has the popular operation interface which makes user feels more simple and convenient. As long as you know how to visit webpage, you are able to use our website.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 13:47


热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 13:47

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