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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-08 23:44



热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 18:10

The slang is one special language form, since long ago, people to slang definition unification standard standard."American Tradition Dictionary" to slang definition: The slang is one kind unofficial, in the game words one language, basically by the existence time very short derivative and the rhetoric constitution, they is used for to substitute intentionally the standard the words and expressions to achieve vivid, humorous or other effects.
According to not the precise statistics, American's commonly used glossary probably has 10,000 to 20,000 about, in which 10% more than 2000 about words and expressions are approximately the slang, moreover these slangs also are in American's daily life the frequent use.Therefore some linguist believed, if a person cannot be familiar with the American slang, must want in the American society and the human exchange to be smoothly not impossible, sometimes even studies reads a newspaper can be very difficult, because the modern US slang appeared repeatedly in the newspaper and the books.
The modern US slang is one extremely not standard language anomalous form, fulfilled the social function in the contemporary US society to appear has been more and more important, moreover such special language innovation, has integrated English standard language category graally, became the standard language indispensable expression method the supplement.This article to its proction, the prospects for development also will have the social function and the characteristic carries on studies sketchily.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 18:11

啊是大大大啊的 哒哒哒啊啊 达到啊的


热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 18:11

Slang is a special kind of language forms, long-term since, slang no unified standard definition. The traditional American slang dictionary definition: slang for an informal, is one of the discourse gameplay, basic language by the time is very short of PaShengCi and rhetoric, they are deliberately used instead of the standard, in order to achieve vivid humorous words or other effects.
According to the statistics, the imprecision of the commonly used glossary about 10,000 to 20,000, more than about 2000 about 10% of words, but these slang is slang is American daily life frequently used. So some linguists think, if a person cannot know American slang, want in American society and people may not be smooth communication, sometimes even read newspapers will be difficult, because modern American slang has appeared frequently in newspapers and books.
Modern American slang is a kind of very not normative language variants, in the contemporary American society in the social function of performance and is more and more important, so special language innovation, has graally into the English language category, become the indispensable means of expression of the language. Based on it, the development prospect and social functions and characteristics of roughly research.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 18:12

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