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I Don'T Know You 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-08 23:25



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 15:00

歌曲名:I Don'T Know You
歌手:New Riders Of The Purple Sage
专辑:New Riders Of The Purple Sage

G'Pree - I Dont Know You
Girl I want you, but can't stand it
Stand the way that you are
And I never thought love would change
Now look at us
I'm a night owl, thinkin' about us
And I can't get through to you
You're my whole world
But who am I to you?
Gotta let you know that this won't work for me
And I tried so hard girl, just to make you see
I gave you every inch of me in my soul
Now it's killing me cause I know
I don't know you, quit telling me that you're the same as always
I don't know you, cause all you wanna do is hurting me inside
I don't know you, I tried, but you kept on pushing me aside
I don't know you,I don't know you
I don't know you, what ever happened to the girl I knew
I don't know you, we used to be so tight baby but now?
I don't know you, girl stop 'cause it breaks my heart to see us through
I don't know you,
I don't know you anymore
Girl, remember, when you told me
That we'd never let go
and together we felt strong
It was about 1 year ago,
When we spent hours on the phone
Talking about we'll never have to wake up alone
but your wind changed
Threw away what we had
Gotta let you know that this won't work for me
And I tried so hard girl, just to make you see
I gave you every inch of me in my soul
Now it's time to give you up because I know
I don't know you, quit telling me that you're the same as always
I don't know you, cause all you wanna do is hurting me inside
I don't know you, I tried, but you kept on pushing me aside
I don't know you,I don't know you
I don't know you, what ever happened to the girl I knew
I don't know you, we used to be so tight baby but now?
I don't know you, girl stop 'cause it breaks my heart to see us through
I don't know you,
I don't know you anymore
Babe I thought you were the one for me
I did my best, and I gave you love
I was right there for you
our dreams were coming true
And even though it hurts me girl, I know
No matter where you go
Gonna miss my heart; gonna wish for me
But nothing's gonna change the way I feel
Quit telling me that you're the same as always
I don't know you, cause all you wanna do is hurting me inside
I don't know you, I tried, but you kept on pushing me aside
I don't know you, what ever happened to the girl I knew
I don't know you, we used to be so tight baby but now?
I don't know you, girl stop 'cause it breaks my heart to see us through
I don't know you,

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