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very door 如何翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 01:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:01

就是这个门,very用在名词前面时译为:正是,恰恰,就是 表示强调

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:01

在能联想到的语境之下 我能给你的词组是 the very door 就是这个门

It is the very door。 就是这扇门

very在这里做形容词 强调作用

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:02

door 是门,途径

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:02


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:03

How do wild geese flow over the Himalayan mountains?

Let's put aside the question of whether
they can make their way through,
and let us make an assumption of
the preconditions and their objectives
and then proceed to make a rationale.

1. First, considering that the Himalayan
mountain being the highest mountain
range in the world, with heights close to
9000 ft above sea level, the air at the
peak is thin and atmospheric pressure
suffocates someone to death if he is
devoid of aids.

Why mountain climbing teams can
reach the peak without endangering
their lives is because they wear climbing
suits of international standards,
and are equipped with oxygen tanks.

2. How about the wild geese? When they
fly,their body resistance to air pressure
has a certain limit. When they feel that they
have problem breathing, they will not
continue to fly at least not at at a height
unsuitable for their biological functioning.
This reasoning is much the same to
explain why spacecrafts can fly out of
our planet and the spacemen can live in
space,which much of it is attributed to the
oxygen supply support and human body
protection facility.

3. When wild geese and humans are
put on a air plane, flying at such a height
is definitely not a problem. However,
your topic is how do the geese fly.
According to logical reasoning,
geese will suffocate to death before
reaching this height.

4. Wild geese are usually sighted with our
naked eyes, and our vision has a limit as
to how far we can see. Nevertheless, this
vision limit cannot exceed 9000 ft.
Otherwise,we will all become clairvoyants.
At the very most, our vision is good up
to a few hundred feet or a few thousand
feet. Therefore, based on our logical
reasoning,we can dece that wild geese
fly at a height of about a thousand feet.
At least, their flying height has to remain
in our vision limits.

5. Wild geese are outstanding air
travellers. During autumn and winter
times,they will fly from their native habitat
in the Siberian region in groups and mightily
to the south of China,part of natural
winterly migration patterns for wide life.
In the spring season of the second
year, they will return in a long journey
to Siberia for eggs laying and breeding.
Wild geese fly really fast rating at 68 to
90 km/h. Even at this speed, flying to
destination of a few thousand kilometers
away will take them one to two months.

6.In such a long journey, they definitely
have to choose a flying height where
they are comfortable with and in a blue
space with openness that allows them
to fly and glide.The higher they fly,
the higher the influence of air pressure.
This resultantly affects their volitation
capability resulting in a heavier use
of their strength and energy and naturally
they will not be able to attain a flying
height of 9000 ft which is also their
maximum flying limit.

7.Why do they want to fly over a mountain
range? What are on the other side of
the mountain range? Mountain ranges
are capped with snow and are extremely
cold.Have they achieved their objective
of flying south? Isn't flying south to pass
their winter time a mass suicide?
On top of that, the multiplication of a
living specie is an outcome realized from
a period of a few thousand years,
and wild geese is no exception.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:04


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:01

就是这个门,very用在名词前面时译为:正是,恰恰,就是 表示强调

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:01

在能联想到的语境之下 我能给你的词组是 the very door 就是这个门

It is the very door。 就是这扇门

very在这里做形容词 强调作用

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:02

door 是门,途径

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:02


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:03

How do wild geese flow over the Himalayan mountains?

Let's put aside the question of whether
they can make their way through,
and let us make an assumption of
the preconditions and their objectives
and then proceed to make a rationale.

1. First, considering that the Himalayan
mountain being the highest mountain
range in the world, with heights close to
9000 ft above sea level, the air at the
peak is thin and atmospheric pressure
suffocates someone to death if he is
devoid of aids.

Why mountain climbing teams can
reach the peak without endangering
their lives is because they wear climbing
suits of international standards,
and are equipped with oxygen tanks.

2. How about the wild geese? When they
fly,their body resistance to air pressure
has a certain limit. When they feel that they
have problem breathing, they will not
continue to fly at least not at at a height
unsuitable for their biological functioning.
This reasoning is much the same to
explain why spacecrafts can fly out of
our planet and the spacemen can live in
space,which much of it is attributed to the
oxygen supply support and human body
protection facility.

3. When wild geese and humans are
put on a air plane, flying at such a height
is definitely not a problem. However,
your topic is how do the geese fly.
According to logical reasoning,
geese will suffocate to death before
reaching this height.

4. Wild geese are usually sighted with our
naked eyes, and our vision has a limit as
to how far we can see. Nevertheless, this
vision limit cannot exceed 9000 ft.
Otherwise,we will all become clairvoyants.
At the very most, our vision is good up
to a few hundred feet or a few thousand
feet. Therefore, based on our logical
reasoning,we can dece that wild geese
fly at a height of about a thousand feet.
At least, their flying height has to remain
in our vision limits.

5. Wild geese are outstanding air
travellers. During autumn and winter
times,they will fly from their native habitat
in the Siberian region in groups and mightily
to the south of China,part of natural
winterly migration patterns for wide life.
In the spring season of the second
year, they will return in a long journey
to Siberia for eggs laying and breeding.
Wild geese fly really fast rating at 68 to
90 km/h. Even at this speed, flying to
destination of a few thousand kilometers
away will take them one to two months.

6.In such a long journey, they definitely
have to choose a flying height where
they are comfortable with and in a blue
space with openness that allows them
to fly and glide.The higher they fly,
the higher the influence of air pressure.
This resultantly affects their volitation
capability resulting in a heavier use
of their strength and energy and naturally
they will not be able to attain a flying
height of 9000 ft which is also their
maximum flying limit.

7.Why do they want to fly over a mountain
range? What are on the other side of
the mountain range? Mountain ranges
are capped with snow and are extremely
cold.Have they achieved their objective
of flying south? Isn't flying south to pass
their winter time a mass suicide?
On top of that, the multiplication of a
living specie is an outcome realized from
a period of a few thousand years,
and wild geese is no exception.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 00:04

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