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求《Beautiful life》- Sebastian Mikael英文歌词歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 03:57



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 17:42

Beautiful Life - Sebastian Mikael

I have so many questions to ask
So many riddles to solve, somebody please tell me where is the love
When all you feel is breaking up and
All you see is the lust
You still tryna figure it out

So you walk around wondering why you are lonely
He never called you again classic
Your self esteem is on the shelf
You're afraid to open up again
You don't believe in good guys even though they ask you
Your shield is so high, you can't see nothing
But who can ever blame you girl
You still don't know love...

Where do we go nobody knows
And where you at just feel so cold
Where is the life in you
Where is the life in you
Don't worry love you can do so much better
Don't let them waste your time
Where is the life in you
God put a life in you

A beautiful life
Beautiful life
Beautiful life
Cause you are...

I know nobody said it was easy
But nobody said it was hard
Hard cause we got older
But I feel hope but it don't make no sense
We need some time a second chance
Cause we can't figure it out

So you walk around wondering why you are lonely
I never called you again sorry
Your self esteem is on the shelf
You're afraid to open up again
But don't believe in me even though I try to kiss you
Your shield is so high I'm tryna see something
But who can ever blame you girl
You still don't know love

Where do we go nobody knows
And where you at just feel so cold
Where is the life in you
Where is the life in you
Don't worry love you can do so much better
Don't let them waste your time
Where is the life in you
God put a life in you

A beautiful life
Beautiful life
Beautiful life
Cause you are...
求《Beautiful life》- Sebastian Mikael英文歌词歌词

And where you at just feel so cold Where is the life in you Where is the life in you Don't worry love you can do so much better Don't let them waste your time Where is the life in you God put a life in you A beautiful life Beautiful life Beautiful life Cause you a...

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