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Like A Bird的歌词?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 01:30



热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 05:16

I'm Like a Bird

歌手:Nelly Furtado 专辑:Whoa Nelly

You're beautiful, that's for sure
You'll never ever fade
You're lovely but it's not for sure
That I won't ever change
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is

Your faith in me brings me to tears
Even after all these years
And it pains me so much to tell
That you don't know me that well
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true

Baby all I need for you to know is

It's not that I wanna say goodbye
It's just that every time you try to tell me that you love me
Each and every single day I know
I'm going to have to eventually give you away
And though my love is rare
And though my love is true
Hey I'm just scared
That we may fall through

I'm like a bird(I'm like a bird)
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home i

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 05:16

I would do anything if I could fly
Escape into the sky
I'm feeling like a bird
I would do anything if I could see
The world in harmony
I'm feeling like a bird
Chorus B:
DJ Bobo
I'm feeling like a bird
I spread my wings and fly away
I'm feeling like a bird
I close my eyes my dreams come true for one day
Vers 1:
In these days,
Don't know what's right or wrong
The world has gone to far
I found a little something to hold on
And then I see a rainbow shining through the clouds
See the birds are flying, they are free no doubt
And imagine it's me, imagine it's me
Vers 2:
Tell me why, this circle never ends
When will we ever learn
All the cultures in this world come to one sense
But then I see the children playing in the street
Will they have a future, and enough to eat
And I close my eyes, I close my eyes
I hope my dreams comes true
Free, free like a bird
What is this world without love
Free, free like a bird
From high above
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