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上星期天你和家人去公园野餐 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 19:24



热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 18:03

  I and my friends went to a picnic in the park
One day,the father said to take me to a picnic in the park,I'm very excited,immediately ready to equipment and food,ready to go.
I'll buy the water,father of driving.After a while,my father pulled over,I also bought water,I hasten to get on the bus,and then set out.Along the way,I wanted to think of the park is the first thing to do,and then the second thing is what.At the park,I first take everything down,and then find a suitable place for a picnic,and put the food down.Because I want to show yourself,so his statement,this meal by what I do.I first wood together,and put the fire up,and the fire,because some wet wood so I always they can't afford to get LaiHuo,still get a full face of grey smoked of tears,when to eat,I very not easy to cook dinner.Have a meal of the things I have also prepared,my father and I together with relish eat it,eating dad side with my praise.My heart is a sense of accomplishment,after dinner,I went to play,so to the evening has been playing,just go home.Today is my most happy day it is rewarding for a day.
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