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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 19:32



热心网友 时间:2024-04-08 09:23

I enjoy reading detective stories. I am a detective game.
I like most of the book is Arthur Conan Doyle HOLMES:THE COMPLETE NOVELSAND STORIES SHERLOCK
Holmes was born in England in January 6, 1854. After graating from University of Oxford, Holmes began to study and do the chemical experiment in strange cases.
He Watson and his friends live in No.221B, Baker Street's apartment. Holmes is aconsulting detective, the world's only, he not only calm, observant, strong reasoning ability; and his violin level is quite high. Usually he leisurely in theapartment smoking a pipe for the principal door.
A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four again and again the case, so that Holmeshas become synonymous with detective.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-08 09:23

I love reading detective novels and i'm a big fan of them.
My favorite book is SHERLOCK HOLMES:THE COMPLETE NOVELS AND STORIES which is written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Born on Jan.1st,1854 in Britain,Holmes began to do chemical experiments and study strange crimes after graated from University of Oxford.He lives in an apartment at No.221B,Baker Street with his friend,Watson.
Moreover,Holmes is the only consulting detective in the entire world.Not only is he calm but also he has a great observation ability and a fantastic reasoning capacity.He is good at playing violin as well.He always plays violin or pulls at his pipe and waiting for clients in his spare time.
With many cases solved such as A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four ,Holmes has become a representative of famous detectives.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-08 09:23

I like to read detective novels. I am a fan of a

My favorite book is Arthur Conan Doyle's SHERLOCK HOLMES: THE
Holmes on January 6, 1854 was born in Britain.
After graated from the university of Oxford, Holmes began studying strange
cases and chemical experiment.

He and his good friend Watson lived in is
located in No. 221 b Baker Street apartment. Holmes is the world's only a
consulting detective, he not only cool-headed, acute observation, reasoning
ability is extremely strong; And his violin playing is quite superb. He usually
leisurely smoking a pipe waiting for the client to come in my

A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four again and again to solve
crimes, has become The pronoun of The detective Holmes.
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