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饥饿游戏3 areyou areyou 是什么歌

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 23:40



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 11:39

歌名是“the hanging tree”
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where they strung up a man they say murdered three
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where the dead man called out for his love to flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree
Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, Are you
Coming to the tree
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be,
If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.
蒙牛为什么卖给中粮 只知道名字怎么找人的联系方式 谁能告诉我怎么在微博上找人啊? 新浪微博怎么找人啊? 雅思裸考一般能考多少分 高热病人应如何护理 检疫性有害生物 多少种 北半球气温最高和最低的月份分别为 北半球气温最高和最低的月份 一起又看流星雨中有一首歌歌词是:为什么你会出现在我的身边_百度... When she was young was an only child 这句话语法正确吗?是主语_百 ... when she was in trouble,she always asked ()to help her._百度知 ... 一般疑问句里有when she was five was用原形还是不变 When she was walking in the street, she met a friend of ___百 ... When she was three,she could play the piano什么意思 when she was three year old 什么意思 when she was 6 years old 等于什么? when she was__ 今年我锁骨骨折了,夹了钢板,到明年可取出吗? 种玫瑰花的正确方法 两梯两户,买同一层好还是上下层好 FF15 克拉斯特姆水道 双梯 明日之后双人梯子如何单人上明日之后怎么使用双人梯子 九阴天山剑法要多少剑令 九阴真经天山剑法有当年的雪灾剑法厉害吗 北汽幻速h3七座suv1.5l是什么意思 私募基金从业人员每年应当参加多少学时的培训? ...somewhere warm,这个词组中somewhere是什么词? 和天气有关词语 中草药:头发七的功效与作用 燃气热水器容量选择注意事项 饥饿游戏3上凯特尼唱的那个歌是什么 ...里面凯妮丝唱的那首歌叫什么名字,are you are you come to 饥饿游戏3里的Are you are you coming to the tree?是什么歌?好好听... ...凯妮斯在山谷里哼的那首歌曲叫什么,是Are you,are you开头的。求解... 梦见已故父亲给自己戴帽子的预兆 广州治疗肛肠科? 北京看肛肠哪个医院好? 梦见喷大便 农产品企业如何进行全网营销? 张家港农商银行贷款怎么开结清证明 梦见朋友即将离世 他们在谈话(扩句) They are talking on the phone.(就画线部分提问) 画线部分是talking on... 他们正在大声谈话大笑和吸烟英文 他们在那里谈话我一过来人都走的差不多什么情况啊我晕 苦瓜要怎么种植 工资收入高如何理财 从石桥镇到济宁沃尔玛超市坐公交怎么走 东南华城和贵园到济宁沃尔玛超市有多远,怎么走?