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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 11:29



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 13:58

问题一:晴天、多云、小雨、中雨、大雨 的英语分别怎么说? sunny cloudy rainy rain heavily rain cats and dogs

问题二:小雨转中雨 英语怎么说 light rai to moderate rain
大雨是 heavy rain
阵雨是 shower
暴风雨是 storm

问题三:如题天气预报里,"小到中雨(雪)"用英语怎么说 小到中雨(雪)
Small to moderate rain (snow).

问题四:雨中雨寻 英文怎么翻译? 有没有关于下雨天的英文说说 The rain for the rain

问题五:雨用英文怎么说 rain1
/ re??n; ren/ n
[U] condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops; fall of these drops 雨; 下雨: heavy/light rain 大[小]雨 * Don't go out in the rain. 不要冒着雨出去. * e in out of the rain. 快进来, 别让雨淋着. * It looks like (ie as if there will be a fall of) rain. 像是要下雨了.
the rains [pl] season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries (热带地区 的)雨季: The rains e in September. 雨季於九月到来.
[sing] (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之後) shower of rain of the specified type 某种类型的雨: There was a heavy rain ring the night. 夜间下了一场大雨.
[sing] ~ of sth (esp fig 尤作比喻) great number of things falling like rain 像雨点般降落的东西: a rain of arrows, bullets, etc 箭 子弹等如雨点一般 * a rain of ashes, eg from a volcano 如雨点般落下的灰尘(如从火山口中喷出者).
(idm 习语) e ,rain, e `shine; (e) ,rain or `shine whether there is rain or sunshine; whatever happens 不论晴雨; 不管发生什麽事情: The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定於星期日举行, 风雨无阻. right as rain => right. > rainless adj: a rainless day 无雨天.
# rainbow / ??re??nb??u; ren??bo/ n arch containing the colours of the spectrum, formed in the sky when the sun shines through rain or spray 虹; 彩虹: silks dyed in all (the) colours of the rainbow 染成彩虹那样七种颜色的丝绸服装. `rainbow trout black-spotted trout with two reddish bands from nose to tail 虹鳟鱼(身上有黑点, 从鼻到尾有两条红线).
`rain-check n (US)
1 ticket for later use when a match, show, etc is cancelled because of rain (比赛 表演等)因雨延期有效票.
2 (idm 习语) take a rain-check (on sth) (infml 口) decline an......>>

问题六:各种“雨”英文怎么说 雨 rain;to pour down
弹雨 hail of bullets
春雨 spring rains
暴雨 rainstorm;torrential rain
躲雨 to take shelter from the rain
豪雨 pouring rain
降雨 rainfall
阴雨 cloudy and rainy
下雨 to rain
细雨 drizzles
微雨 a drizzle
酸雨 acid rain
雨天 rainy day
雨量 rainfall
雨点 raindrop
梅雨 raining season
雷阵雨 thundershower
雷暴雨 thunderstorm rain
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