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窦鹏 握紧我的手 英文歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 18:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 05:56

A child’s happy face
A starry night and peaceful place
I never thought them beautiful before
Those days we met for coffee
Talked and laughed so loudly
I never thought I’d missed that before
Then today they told me
My world turned black and I couldn’t see
The life I’d wanted for so long
Now I don’t know what to do or say
Tell me should I go or should I stay
Try to give me something real to hold on to
I try so hard to carry on
Sometimes l really want to cry
It is you that stands behind me and keeps me strong
Oooooh Baby please don’t go
Oooooh you’ve got to know
Oooooh Just hold my hand
Oooooh I need you so
I still remember what you said
About growing old and being wed
I always thought it was gonna be that way
Then one day they told me
My world turned black and l couldn’t see
The life I’d wanted for so long
I still don’t know what to do or say
Tell me should l go or should l stay
Try to give me something real to hold on to
I tried so hard to carry on
Sometimes l really want to cry
But it’s you that stands behind me and keeps me strong
Now I don’t know what to do or say
Tell me should l go or should l stay
Try to give me something real to hold on to
I tried so hard to carry on
Sometimes l really want to cry
It’s you that stands behind me and keeps me strong
Oooooh Baby please don't go
Oooooh you’ve got to know
Oooooh Just hold my hand
Oooooh I need you so
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