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How to Make a Good Speech? 怎样做一个成功的演讲者?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 10:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 10:31

Ifyou are a student who wants to find a good job after graation
you have totake a job interview and make a presentation or a speech. How to make yourselfimpressed and present an impressive speech in front of interviewers. What youshould pay special attention to? Here are some instructive suggestions:
are: Plan ahead and think about what you are going to say. In the words ofMark Twain
it usually takes More than three weeks to prepare a good impromptuspeech.
your subject: You may be very high in IQ and very good in writing
butalways ensure you know the subject and have background information at hand forquestion time.
your audience: Find out who you will be addressing so that you can tailoryour ment accordingly. Clients
professors and managers
require a different approach to that needed for clas *** ates at anin-house gathering.
a point: Keep your speech short and concise and have a few clear pointsthat you need to convey. Emphasize these and tone down on any oralparaphernalia that will confuse the message.
tice: Never meditate your speech in heart as your delivery will beestilted
but do rehearse it a few times in front of the mirror
your partner oryour dog.
calm: A little nervous energy can enhance your speech
but too much can bedisastrous. Do not rely on alcohol for help
no matter how much you need Dutchcourage. Take a deep breath and keep a clear head.
contact: Creating a personal rapport with your audience is a skill thatseparates gifted speakers from the mundane. If the thought of looking into asea of faces scares you
adjust your gaze regularly at different points in theroom to create the same effect.
t impression: Your initial impression is vital when making a publicpresentation. Find out about dress codes at the venue so that you look yourbest and
if possible
check the microphone beforehand to ensure you know howto use it.
9. Vary tone and body language: Monotony kills a speech. Nerves causeyour vocal chords to restrict
raising the pitch of your voice. Make an effectto breathe deeply and enunciate clearly. Plopping your arms down will distractyour listeners but natural
descriptive movements can enhance meaning.
Ifyou follow the simple suggestions above
you would find that a public speakingor presentation is just a piece of cake. Once it’s done
you may find that it’sa enjoyable process so that you may have desire to make more speeches.
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