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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 09:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:37

1.critical thinking
2.natural history
3.ground sb in sth
4.by and by
5.with explicit instructions
6.be not fit to be
7.be conscious of
8.a passing feeling of disappointment
9.commend itself/oneself to sb
10.in search of
11.look sb/sth in the face
12.steadfast gaze
13.be in despair
14.with infinite relief
15.a happy thought stucks sb
16.encouraging words
17.with an air of disappointment
18.to one's misery
19.set oneself to one's task with a will
20.in a distracted state
21.cordial greeting
22.leave sb to one's own devices
24.part with
25.bring fragrant memory
26.be engaged (up)on/in
27.be content with
28.leave with reluctance
29.turn to

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:37

1. Critical thinking
2. Museum of
3. To a person to basic training
4. In a moment, soon after
5. Details
6.… Is not a fit and proper person
7. Feel
8. Slightest disappointment
9. Favorite was a person
10. Find
11. Open; brave / have a clear conscience in the face of
12. Gaze
13. Despair
14. Relief
15. Come up with a marvellous idea
16. Encouraging words
17. Disappointed with the expression
19. Bie has a strong stem…
20. Yiluan upset
21. Warmest greetings
22. Allow a person to handle
24. Give up
25. Aroused my good memories
26. Busy; engaged in
27. Satisfied
28. Yiyibushe to leave
29. Proceed to do, to

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:38

1. 批判性思考
2. 博物学
3. 给某人以基础训练
4. 过一会儿,不久以后
5. 详细说明
6. 不是…的合适人选
7. 感觉到
8. 一丝失望
9. 被某人所喜爱
10. 寻找
11. 直视;勇敢/问心无愧地面对
12. 凝视
13. 绝望
14. 如释重负
15. 想出了一个绝妙的主意
16. 鼓励话
17. 带着失望的神情
18. 沮丧不已
19. 憋了一股劲干…
20. 心烦意乱
21. 热情的问候
22. 听任某人自行处理
24. 放弃
25. 引起我美好的回忆
26. 忙于;从事
27. 满足于
28. 依依不舍地离开
29. 着手做,致力于

1. Critical thinking
2. Museum of
3. To a person to basic training
4. In a moment, soon after
5. Details
6.… Is not a fit and proper person
7. Feel
8. Slightest disappointment
9. Favorite was a person
10. Find
11. Intracardiac; brave / have a clear conscience in the face of
12. Gaze
13. Despair
14. Relief
15. Come up with a marvellous idea
16. Encouraging words
17. Disappointed with the expression
19. Bie has a strong stem…
20. Yiluan upset
21. Warmest greetings
22. Allow a person to handle
24. Give up
25. Aroused my good memories
26. Busy; engaged in
27. Satisfied
28. Yiyibushe to leave
29. Proceed to do, to

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:39


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