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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 10:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 17:40

1. Say a cheery "Hello!"in the morning. 愉快说声“早上好!”

Do you plod into the office, eyes down, shoulders slumped, and immediately start work? If so, you're likely to find that co-workers ignore you (at best) or avoid you (at worst). Get into the habit of smiling and greeting everyone as you arrive in the morning or begin your shift. It's amazing how fast this little courtesy can thaw chilly workplace relations.


2. Learn the art of small talk.


Ask your co-workers about their interests – their favorite music, films, books, hobbies. Showing a genuine interest in them will make them feel comfortable around you. Talk about your life outside the office when it's appropriate. This will remind the people you work with that you're a person first, not just an employee or employer. 询问同事们的兴趣爱好——他们喜欢的音乐、电影、图书和习惯。真诚的关注能让同事如沐春风。在适合的情境下说说自己办公室之外的生活。这会让同事们认识到你不仅是一个雇员或老板,还是一个富有生活情趣的人。

3. Ask what they think.


People love to be asked their opinion, so go out of your way to ask, "What do you think is missing from this report?" or "How do you think I should handle this situation with X?" Then give the advice-giver a sincere thank you, even if the ideas are less than helpful.


4. Avoid gossip.


You don't want anyone talking about you behind your back, so return the favor. When a co-worker sidles up to you bearing some gossip about an office romance or someone's impending firing, respond with, "Really?" Then change the subject or get back to work. If you don't respond, the gossiper will move on –and you'll retain the trust and respect of your co-workers.


5. Keep a cool head.


When dealing with a difficult co-worker, pretend your children are watching. This simple visualization technique will help you to keep a cool head. After all, you've taught your children to have good manners. With them “watching,” it will be difficult to stoop to the level of your infuriating co-worker.


6. Ladle out the compliments.


Did Tom fix the office photocopier again? Has Ann stopped smoking? By all means, compliment your co-workers on their achievements –personal or professional. Too often, we focus on what people are doing wrong.


7. Spread your good cheer.


You don't have to be a Pollyanna, but try to perform one kindly act a week, choosing a different co-worker each time. For example, one week you might bring in muffins for no reason. Another week, it might be a card for a co-worker – maybe a thank-you note for helping you out the week before, or a light, humorous card for a co-worker who seems to be a bit down.


8. Return calls and e-mails promptly.


To win friends at work, a good place to start is good office etiquette. There's nothing more frustrating to busy people than to have their e-mails and phone messages ignored. Your silence doesn't just make their job harder to do; it also conveys an unpleasant message to them: you're unimportant to me.


9. Give credit where credit is e.


Don't withhold credit from deserving co-workers. You'll alienate them, and they won't be there for you when you need them (or when they all go out for lunch). Embrace the attitude that we all win together, and let others know when someone has done something above and beyond the call of ty on a project. Also, if someone incorrectly gives you credit and praise, acknowledge your co-worker who does deserve the accolades. It will be remembered.

如果你在同事需要帮助的时候袖手旁观,你和他们的关系就变得疏远起来,等你需要帮助的时候,也不会有人来帮你(或者大家一起出去吃饭的时候不叫 上你)。要持有共赢的态度,如果有人在工作职责范围之外帮助了你,你应该说出来让别人知道。同样的,如果有人错把你当成了感谢对象,你应该指出谁是真正值 得赞誉的对象。这样的善举是会被人记住的。

10. Assume the positive about what you don't know.


Isn't it funny how a team of workers often think they're working harder than another team elsewhere in the building? Or that the bosses are clueless? Don't subscribe to that kind of toxic thinking, even if it's rampant. It's a negative attitude that makes work become miserable. Instead, assume that everyone else is working hard and doing their best, even if you don't know what their work is. You should believe both in the work you're doing and the organization you're doing it for. If you can't, perhaps it's time to move on.

这听上是不是很滑稽:如果一个工作团队,整天想的是他们比另外一个团队多付出了多少?或者老板是多么*?即便它很难控制,也不要纵容这种有害的思想。这种消极的态度会让工作变得一团糟。相反,你应该假设每个人都在尽他们的全力地努力工作,即使你不知道他们到底是做什么的。你应该信任自己所做的 工作和自己工作的公司。如果你做不到,或许你该考虑找份新工作了。
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