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falling 女声英文歌

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 21:02



热心网友 时间:2024-04-23 01:08

我感觉可能是Jean Curley的Falling,这首歌在qq音乐上就有,收录于专辑《Love Revolution》里的。
I got the goosebumps again in this aspect
It might be the way you bite me on my neck
No matter where I am you're on my mind
I'm guessing that you feel it too I see it in your eyes
No rain or blizzard could ever jeopardize
I swear forever I will never ever tell you lies
Baby your heart is even richer than royalty
I promise you patience, I promise you loyalty
I'm fallin' ,I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
I'm fallin' ,I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
That choice will overwhelm you
Can't help myself but tell you
Even though it is yourself
I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
There's no turning back it's way too late
Even if I wanted could never be replaced
I love this new beginning everything so fresh
And everytime you call me I melt into a mess
I could stare all day at your gorgeous face
I can't believe a perfect o in so many ways
Mother Earth is drowning in her tears alone
I won't be afraid as long as I have you
I'm fallin' ,I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
I'm fallin' ,I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
That choice will overwhelm you
Can't help myself but tell you
Even though it is yourself
I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
Let's stand on fire burn for our love
Live in the moment and that is enough
Let's just let us to love
We don't have to worry no,no,no
Let's just let go, you are the water for my soap
Meet me in the moonlight
I want one of those perfect bites
I've never felt anything ever so right
I'm fallin' ,I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
I'm fallin' ,I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
That choice will overwhelm you
Can't help myself but tell you
Even though it is yourself
I'm fallin' for you and it feels so good
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