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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 13:20



热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 19:38

My name is Li Minghui, from Yu Zhongguo, male .1983 years birth. From 2003 to 2007, went study in the Southern China University life sciences and the technical institute, specialized
was the biological technology, after the graation, after obtaining Neo-Confucianism bachelor's degree .2007 year in July graated, starts to start an undertaking, in 2008 March felt the necessity which profoundly pursued advanced studies.
I want to study more knowledge. For me, South Korea is I best choice, may study Korean and English, understands more things. South Korea has first-class teaches
to nurture the pattern, first-class teachers strength, friendly people, outstanding teacher, these deep attraction I. I hoped to be able, in studies in the domain learns
many knowledge!
the Korean is the question which I must first solve, this is a challenge, but I have the confidence fast to integrate South Korea's study life but will not spend the too much time,
this will be a daily life part after all. in the study profession, my I energy, will master the knowledge earnestly, the expanded aspect of knowledge. When I complete my research, I will continue to pursue advanced studies, to strive for in South Korea to obtain
again the doctorate.
I will integrate the South Korean culture as soon as possible, will study earnestly, requests earnestly you to authorize my application, I hoped that you can provide the opportunity which will pursue advanced studies in South Korea! Thanks

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 19:39


My name is Ming-hui, from China, was born male .1983. From 2003 to 2007, who lives in the South China University of Science and Technology institutions, professional

Biotechnology, after graating from the Bachelor of Science degree .2007 in July after graating from business, in March 2008 deeply feel that the need for further studies.

I want to learn more knowledge. Me, Korea is the best choice I can learn Korean and English, learn more things. Korea have a first-class ecation

Fertility patterns, and first-rate faculty, and friendly people, good teachers, which are deeply attracted me and I hope that in the field of research to learn more

More knowledge!

Korean is my first problem to be solved, this is a challenge, but I am confident that South Korea's rapid integration into the study of life and will not spend too much time, after all,

This is part of everyday life.

In studying career, I will do my best to seriously grasp knowledge, and expand knowledge. When I finish my studies, I will continue to study for South Korea again in the


I will be as soon as possible into the Korean culture, conscientious study, I urge your approval of the application, I hope you can provide a postgraate opportunities in South Korea! Thank you!
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