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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 06:58



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 01:26

1. This is the reason why I dislike him.

2. I still remember the day when I joined the Party.

3. He was taken to a room, where there was also a wounded person.

4. Your teacher is ill and can't give classes, so today I take his place to give this class.

5. How can you afford to buy such a bike?

6. Many people have commented on the Deng Yujiao's case.

7. Tan Zuo's family had lived in peace before he suffered the car accident.

8. People think higly of what he has done.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 01:27

1. This is the reason why I dislike him.

2. I still remember the day when I joined the Party.

3. He was taken to a room, where there was also a wounded person.

4. Your teacher is ill and can't give classes, so today I take his place to give this class.

5. How can you afford to buy such a bike?

6. Many people have commented on the Deng Yujiao's case.

7. Tan Zuo's family had lived in peace before he suffered the car accident.

8. People think higly of what he has done.
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