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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 07:06



热心网友 时间:2023-07-07 11:18

字数不够,一定要注意。有点偏题,题目没有提及公立学校,而公立学校好也不代表私立学校不好,如果你想通过让步突出私立学校好的方面,就应该详细点写,而不是简单一句there are many disputes disturbing them as well带过就算了。让步最好放在前面。

Students seem to have ongoing preference for private secondary schools because of their professional teaching staff, competitive courses and excellent facilities. Despite the merits, critics are concerned about the demerits lying in this ecational form, such as high tuition fee. Personally, going to private schools is a better choice for students’ growth.

Admittedly, other than public schools, the tuition fee of private schools is exorbitant and it is affordable for some sections of students only. As the widen gap between the rich and the poor, a private school is assessable for students who are able to pay, rather than who are able to learn. As a result, the advance ecational resources are shared unequally by a small group of people.

However, private schools are superior because of smaller classroom sizes, which is under high funding condition. To be more precise, smaller class enables students to gain more indivial attention from teachers. When they confront with difficulties in their study, teachers can adjust the materials and methods of instruction to students’ aptitudes indivially. In this case, learners can fully absorb the knowledge within a certain time, which makes them more competitive.

Another remarkable quality of a private school is its proficiency in formulating and promoting different extracurricular programs. For instance, many private schools offer professional training in music and sport in terms of fostering students’ physical, emotional and social well-being. The excellent facilities and teachers with rich experience can drive the students toward higher performance as well as all-conclusive development.
On the basis of above factors, I am convinced that private school, in many aspects, such as teaching staff competitive course and fully developed facilities, outperforms the public school. On the other hand, its high tuition fee puts much pressure on the students from low income families. Thus, private schools, in large extent, are more suitable for high income families.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-07 11:18

useful alt过于chinglish 后面那一句也是
“people who keep in mind that the sense of competition should be fostered”太罗嗦了 完全可以用简单句代替。
不好意思,为求进步只找缺点。建议你先精读几篇雅思考官范文再下笔吧,一些加分的小词上看得出来楼主基础还不错,但是对作文太陌生了。。。另外就是自己觉得有一定进展以后可以找native speaker来帮忙修改,你会看到很多完全想不到的问题出现的。。
中国福利彩票龟兔赛跑出现两个箭头算不算中奖 ...都没有笑了感觉活得好麻木完全没有意义我该怎么办?? 我的情感很麻木,可以改变或改善吗? 我觉得我麻木不仁,如何改变? 我高二时候突然变得很麻木 应该怎样解脱出来? 曹颖代言的CC换颜祛斑的精油重庆哪里有卖? 第三套人民币蕴含的巨大增值潜力 租赁合同≠租赁凭证!深圳租房家长不要再搞错了!否则申请不了公办学位... 仓埠街道革命传统 ...当归 黄芪 三七一起吃了,有什么功效,吃了会长胖吗?拜托了各位... 格力三相电接错钱? 格力200外机是三相电吗 ...类似最终幻想,龙骑士传说那种的,画面好看的回合制,情节曲折的游戏... ...推荐几个女主重生回到小时候并且会修真或者有异能的小说!或者重生后... 光能使者的OP(日文中文都要)下载地址 中文翻译英文(谢谢)!!! starday有多少用户量 and most importantly是什么意思 都市小说,男主叫陈飞扬,大结局他的儿子叫陈狗剩。求书名。。。_百度知... 1ee是多少cc 不要再想象那样的情景了 用英文怎么说? 大学感情中不要过度想象 不要靠想象力做事 渴望 作文500字不要想象的 需要做的事,不要去想象,这会降低意志力和行动力 真想做个___作文,700字 不要太多想象 遇见未知的自己800字作文,不要想象作文 安徽诺盈影视传媒有限公司怎么样? 文安县盈联影视传媒有限公司怎么样? 老父亲装了心脏起搏器3年了,感冒了,早上起来觉得憋气... 如何用简单句拆分这句话 o开头的单词寓意好的字 high experience是什么意思 一部小说,大概是男主喜欢另一个,但是是和女主结的婚,然后女主之前和男主... 我国四大民间爱情传说,分别是什么传说?我知道其中之一有牛郎织女... 这个益生菌是不是每个有娃家庭都需要它? 谁嫁给张国立后被要求不能生育,如今终于如愿当了母亲? ...却演活了蓝心洁,演员朱珠更圆了自己的母亲梦? 即将60岁的高龄产妇产下一对双胞胎,这对双胞胎以后谁来照顾? 湖南一产妇顺利生女,此前曾流产停胎26次,多次流产是身体哪里出了问题... 腹腔孕子:求证千万分之一的生命传奇 14岁女生“一日写诗两千首”,家长都给孩子挖过哪些坑? 一日日本女生的一天是怎样度过的呢? 作为女生,一个人去日本自助旅行,可操作性强吗? ...见一男生装酷,呕吐,呕吐,只想低头撞树. 2. 一男生跟贴:一日自... 糖豆米奇锦多肉好养吗 QQ情侣空间亲密度怎么看? 幼儿园中班数学下册课件:按规律排序 ...给另一个带给我,过了3个月,一个说给了,一个说没给,怎么办 一个人借另一个钱,一个说我还了,一个说没还,这事怎么解决?