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Rock Your Soul 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 01:17



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 12:02

歌曲名:Rock Your Soul

Rock Your Soul
rock your soul
artist: elisa
album: lotus
The more I think, the less I see
when I'm able to walk
I'm queen of my world
I let it rain on my skin
I don't let myself down
I don't let myself down
just wanna be one with you
wanna be one with you
The more I think, the less I do
now I'm able to talk
I'm queen of my world
I let it rain on my skin
I don't ask myself why
I don't ask myself why
I wanna be one with you
I wanna be one with you
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
and all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
I feel closer to the clouds
I'm touching all the highest leaves
on top of the trees
my desire's released
we let it rain on our skin
you're holding my hand
I'm holding your life
'n I feel like I'm one with you
I'm one with you
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
I think I have to give you something
and more than words is that something
so I show you my dreams
to make' em our dreams
won't you just be
I'm what you see
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
all I want is to rock your soul
Together with the sun
we shine all the way
together with the rain
we fall through the air
Together with the sun
we shine all the way
together with the rain
with the sun
with the rain
the rain and the sun
together with the rain
and the sun
only with the rain
the rain and the sun
with the sun
with the sun

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