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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 05:05



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 19:26

I would choose to be a woman. Women, generally, tend to live more laidback lives than men do. There are so many societal expectations of men that are difficult to meet. Men are often coerced into suppressing their emotions because society believes any man who cries and expresses their emotions to be weak and “unmanly”. Women are less bound by society’s constraints. We can more freely express our emotions without worrying what others think of us. Even if there are many problems that one encounters while being a woman, there are definitely more problems that men face in our society today.

我的英语比中文好。 (八岁就移民到加拿大的)
虽然我觉得以上的人都写得还可以。。。 但都中国味很浓的。 >_>;

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 19:26

I would choose to be a man, because I wouldn't have to born a baby, and can have more sports games, more funs.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 19:27

I would be a woman because to be a man means to have more stress and woman knows how to make life easier and more enjoyable.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 19:27

I would choose to be a woman if I had a choice. Not like the past that men is everything of women and they led the life of women.It is 21st centry now and women enjoy the same social status as men and women do not need to rely on men in order to survive. That's why I don't choose to be a man.

Moreover, it's usual for a woman to dress up herself using maybe 2 or even 3 hours without attracting any strange comments but it is, without doubt, not the same case for men. For those men who do so will be regarded girly. That's why I choose to be a woman.

i hope i can help u ~

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 19:28

I would rather to be an animal rather than a human being if I am given a chance to chose again,because animals do not have too much emotions,they come to this earth and leave naturally,nor do they know what love or hurt is.I would never chose to be a human if I have the chance to chose before I was born.
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