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流利说 英语 懂你英语 笔记目录

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-08 11:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 16:31

Level3 Unit1 Part1 An Unusual Day & Bus Schele

Level3 Unit1 Part1 -Meeting at the Airport & Staying up Late

Level3 Unit1 Part1-Activities & Food/Spatial Relations

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 2- Paul's Trip Plan 1&2

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 2 - Sports&Injuries

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 2- A Nightmare&Toilet Trouble

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 3 - Paul's Overseas Trip 1 & 2

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 3 - Emergency Vehicles

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 3 - Weather & Activities

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 3 - Checking up on Ada

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 4 - Overview of Earth

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 4 - Water On Earth

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 4 - Things We Enjoy Doing

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 4 - Continents

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 4  - A Driverless Car

Level 3 Unit 2 Part 4 - Calling Customer Service

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 1 - Life & Conditions 1

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 1-Life & Conditions 2

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 1 - Forms of Life & Instruments

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 1 - Dating Anniversary

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 1 - Fine Dining

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 2 - QuickServe 1&2

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 2-sciences

level 3 unit 3 part 2 - Disasters

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 2 - Desk Assembly

Level 3 Unit 3 Part 2 - Life and the Universe

Level3 Unit3 Part3 - Harry's Business Trip 1&2

Level3 Unit3 Part3 - sources of energy

Level3 Unit3 Part3 Types of words

Level3 Unit3 Part3 - Good News & Bad News

Level3 Unit3 Part4 - Leonardo da Vinci 1

Level3 Unit3 Part4 - Leonardo da Vinci 2

Level3 Unit3 Part4 - Sources of Pollution

Level3 Unit3 Part4- Historical Figures

Level3 Unit3 Part4 - An urgent Call & Settling the Bill

Level4 Unit1 Part1-Visiting a Friend1&2

Level4 Unit1 Part1 -Pains and Sickness

Level4 Unit1 Part1-Landforms

Level4 Unit1Part1-Eating Out

Level4 Unit1 Part2-A Trip to Yosemite Park1&2

Level4 Unit1 Part2 -Science & Geometry

Level4 Unit1 Part2 -Dinner Conversation

Level4 Unit1 Part3 -Harry's Trips1&2

Level4 Unit1 Part3 -Dental Problems & Internal Organs

Level4 Unit1 Part3 Police Traffic Stop

Level4 Unit1 Part4 -QuickServie 2.0

Level4 Unit1 Part4-The World's Population

Level4 Unit1 Part4-Contemporary People & Personality Type

Level4 Unit1 Part4 - Relationship Advice

level4 unti2 part1-extinction events1

level4 unti2 part1-extinction events2

Level4 Unit2 Part1-Body Systems

Level4 Unit2 Part1-Great Discoveries

Level4 Unit2 Part1-Smartphone Addiction

Level4 Unit2 Part1-Rude Boss

Level4 Unit2 Part2- Point of View 1&2

Level4 Unit2 Part2-Disasters

Level4 Unit2 Part2-Religions

Level 4 Unit2 Part2 Missing Aircraft

Level4 Unit2 Part3 Alcatraz 1&2

Level4 Unit2 Part3 Graphs & Charts &  Legal Terms

Level4 Unit2 Part3  Currency Exchange

Level4 Unit2 Part4-Al Capone 1&2

Level4 Unit2 Part4-Economic Terms

Level4 Unit2 Part4 Personality Types

Level4 Unit2 Part4-A Video Project 1&2

Level4 Unit3 Part1- Time Distribution

Level4 Unit3 Part1-Job Satisfaction Factors

Level4 Unit3 Part1 -Political Terms & Types of Government

Level4 Unit3 Part1- Quitting a Job

Level4 Unit3 Part2-Story of Lang Lang 1&2

Level4 Unit3 Part2 Business and Economics & Countries and Continents

Level4 Unit3 Part2 - Election & Voting

Level4 Unit3 Part3 - Honey Bee Pollination&Colony Collapse

Level4 Unit3 Part3-Business and Economics

Level4 Unit3 Part3-Career Building

Level4 Unit3 Part3 - Landlord Trouble

Level4 Unit3 Part4 -Dream Jobs&Jobs and Wages

Level4 Unit3 Part4 -Types of Wars&Biology Terms

Level4 Unit3 Part4 - Hotel Complaint

Level 5 Unit 1 Part 1 -Jessica’s Class Reunion 1&2

Level5 Unit1 Part1- Actionsand Change

Level5 Unit1 Part1-Types of Information

Level5 Unit1 Part1 -A Customer Complaint

Level 5 Unit 1 Part 2 -At Jessica’s Reunion Party 1& 2

Level5 Unit1 Part2 -Language of Love

Level5 Unit 1 Part 2 -Reactions to News

Level5 Unit1 Part2 -Office Gossip

Level5 Unit1 Part3-Emma's Best 1

Level5 Unit1 Part3-Emma's Best 2

Level5 Unit1 Part3-Feeling and Attitudes

Level5 Unit1 Part3-Types of Character

Level5 Unit1 Part3 -Arranging an Appointment

Level 5 Unit 1 Part 4 -Mysteries of Nature 1&2

Level5 Unit1 Part4 - Social Relations & Science Vocabulary

Level5 Unit1 Part4 - Handling Office Conflicts

Level 5 Unit 2 Part 1- The Psychological of love 1&2

Level 5 Unit2 Part1-Describing Situations

Level5 Unit2 Part1-Interacting with Others

Level 5 Unit 2 Part 1 - The Teenage Years

Level5 Unit2 Part2- Light and Color & Color's Effect

Level5 Unit2 Part2 -Verbs for Business

Level5 Unit2 Part2  Thoughts in Love

Level5 Unit2 Part3 -Introcing the Iceman&Death of the Iceman

Level5 Unit2 Part3 -Regulations in company

Level5 Unit2 Part3-Business Terms

Level5 Unit2 Part3 - Quitting a Job

Level5 Unit2 Part4  -World's Oldest Murder 1

Level5 Unit2 Part4  -World's Oldest Murder 2

Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Interactions

Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Features of Information

Level5 Unit2 Part4 - Improving Personal Image

Level5 Unit3 Part1 -Seeking a Change

Level5 Unit3 Part1 -Preparing for an Interview

Level5 Unit3 Part1 -Attitudes

Level5 Unit3 Part1 -Analysis Words

Level5 Unit3 Part2 -The Circulatory System1&2

Level5 Unit3 Part2 - Verbs About Problems

Level5 Unit3 Part2 - Verbs About Information

Level5 Unit3 Part2 - Appearance and Career

Level5 Unit3 Part3 -Living Conditions 1&2

Level5 Unit3 Part3-Describing Actions & Personal Traits

Level5 Unit3 Part3-Winning a Lottery

Level5 Unit3 Part4-Electromagnetic Force

Level5 Unit3 Part4-Magnetic Field Reversal

Level5 Unit3 Part4-Decision-Making Verbs

Level5 Unit3 Part4-Status of Affairs

Level5 Unit3 Part4-Argument over Investment
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