发布时间:2023-07-12 01:58
时间:2024-11-02 05:15
先给你T5/T6 副本3大最终BOSS:
ILLIDAN(伊利丹) Kael'thas(凯尔萨斯)和lady vashj(瓦丝琪女士)的吧 楼主要的话我还能多弄点
Illidan: "Akama... your plicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago."
Akama: "We've come to end your reign, Illidan. My people and all of Outland shall be free!"
llidan: "Boldly said. But I remain unconvinced."
Akama: "The time has come! The moment is at hand!"
Illidan:You are not prepared
(in combat)
Iillidan:Come, my minions. Deal with this traitor as he deserves!
Feel the hatred of ten thousand years!
Who shall be next to taste my blades?!
This is too easy!
Behold the flames of Azzinoth!
Stare into the eyes of the Betrayer!
Behold the power... of the demon within!
You've wasted too much time mortals, now you shall fall!
Illidan: Is this it, mortals? Is this all the fury you can muster?
Maiev: Their fury pales before mine, Illidan. We have some unsettled business between us.
Illidan: Maiev... How is it even possible?
Maiev: Ah, my long hunt is finally over. Today, Justice will be done!
Maiev: It is over. You are beaten.
Illidan: You have won... Maiev. But the huntress... is nothing without the hunt. You... are nothing... without me.
Maiev: He's right. I feel nothing. I am nothing. Farewell, champions.
Akama: The Light will fill these dismal halls once again. I swear it.
Tempest Keep (风暴要塞)--Kael'thas(凯尔萨斯)
Intro: "Energy. Power. My people are addicted to it. Their dependence made manifest after the Sunwell was destroyed. Welcome to the future...a pity you're too late to stop it. No one can stop me now. Selama ashal'anore."
Summoning advisors: "Perhaps I underestimated you. It would be unfair to make you fight all four advisors at once, but...fair treatment was never shown to my people. I'm just returning the favor."
Casting Gravity Lapse: "Having trouble staying grounded?" "Let us see how you fare when your world is turned upside down."
Killing a player: "You will not prevail." "You gambled...and lost."
Summoning phoenix pet: "Anara'nel belore!" "By the power of the sun!"
Enrage: "I have not come this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power!"
Death: "For...Quel...thalas
Serpentshrine Cavern --Lady Vashj (毒蛇神殿--瓦丝琪女士)
Intro: Water is life. It has become a rare commodity here in Outland. A commodity that we alone shall control. We are the Highborne, and the time has come at last for us to retake our rightful place in the world!
I'll split you from stem to stern!
Victory to Lord Illidan!
I spit on you, surface filth!
Death to the outsiders!
Phase 1:
I did not wish to lower myself by engaging your kind, but you leave me little choice!
Phase 2:
The time is now! Leave none standing!
Phase 3:
You may want to take cover.
Straight to the heart!
Seek your mark!
Killing a player:
Your time ends now!
You have failed!
Lord Illidan, I... I am... sorry.
时间:2024-11-02 05:16
时间:2024-11-02 05:16
貌似是蓝龙艾索雷葛斯的台词 。。。现在好像没人杀那个BOSS了。。。