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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 04:21



热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 09:35

The fact is that I am not quiet interested in my major, the Animition Design. Therefore I won't participate into this instry, because I don't want to be miserable everyday. The ideal life of mine is to save some money by doing some part-time jobs while it's still in holiday and I'm able to keep traveling to other cities and getting a job everywhere I go. That will not just fullfill my wish of traveling but also borden my horizen and experience. However, it's just a thought though, but I still wish it would be true someday. At least, the opportunities are for those who are willing to seize, and I'm still young and I got nothing to loose.


热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 09:35

As a matter of fact, I am not interested at all in animation which I am studying, so I will definitely not be engaged in any work related to it, as I don’t want to suffer every day. My ideal life is to do a part-time job for earning some money in the vacation so that I can travel, live and work in another city, and then in still another city. By so doing, it will not only satisfy my wish to travel to many cities, but also broaden my vision and accumulate my life experience. Despite that it is just an idea, I hope it would soon come true. Since opportunities are always created by ourselves, there is no excuse for not making death-defying efforts when we’re still young.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 09:35

I have no interest whatsoever in Animation that I am currently studying, therefore engaging in any relative jobs will be impossible because I do not want to spend the rest of my life in anguish. My ideal life is to be a global-trotter, travelling from city to city, country to country. To accomplish this, I might need to save up on some part-time jobs while I am still on holidays. Travelling around has been my long-time wish as it will enrich my expriences in life. I know this is just a thought at the moment, but I hope it will be achieved in forseeable future. Opportunities are for the ones who work the hardest.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 09:36

Actually, my interest in my studies there is no animation professional, so I must not be engaged in the related work, because I do not want to every day is very painful. My ideal life is now a vacation time to do part-time money to, can go to other city tourism life work, and then to another other city, so as to meet me a lot of city tourism wish, also widened my horizons increased my life experience. Again, this is just my idea, but I hope soon after it can realize, after all, the opportunity to create their own, young is desperately.



热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 09:37

Actually,I have no interested in the major Animation I learning now,so I will not engaged in the work related it in the future,beause I don't want to live so pain everyday.My idea life is to do some part-time job to save some money when I am in holiday now,so I can go to live and work in others cities later,then go to another city,This will not only meet my travel wish of many cities, and also broadens my horizons growth experience of my life.Anyway, now this is just my idea, but I hope to soon be able to achieve it, after all, is the opportunity to create their own, the young is hard.
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