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what ayou wanna be》歌词汉语翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-11 01:04



热心网友 时间:2024-04-04 19:39

doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer(医生,演员,律师或是歌手)
why not president, be a dreamer(为什么不是总统呢? 大胆地去梦想)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
police man, fire fighter or a post man(*,消防员或是邮递员)
why not something like your old man(为什么不是像那样的老人呢)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer(医生,演员,律师或是歌手)
why not president, be a dreamer(为什么不是总统呢? 大胆地去梦想) you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
i know that we all got one thing(我知道我们都拥有一样东西) that we all share together(那个我们一起分享的)
we got that one nice dream(美好的梦想我们为它而生)
we live for(我们为它而生)
you never know what life could bring(你永远不知道生命中将出现什么) coz nothing last for ever(没有什么会永远存在)
just hold on to the team you play for(所以,坚持下去)
i know you could reach the top(我知道你可以做到最好)
make sure that you won't stop(只要你继续向前)
be the one that you wanna be(去吧,寻找你想要的人生)
now sing this with me(现在,来和我一起唱这首歌)
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer(医生,演员,律师或是歌手)
why not president, be a dreamer(为什么不是总统呢? 大胆地去梦想) you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人 )
police man, fire fighter or a post man(*,消防员或是邮递员)
why not something like your old man(为什么不是像那样的老人呢)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
we may have different ways to think(我们可能想的方法不同)
but it doesn't really matter(但那不是问题。)
we all caught up in the steam of this life(我们都在人生的旅途上)
focus on every little thing(关注每一件小事情)
that's what does really matter(但其实它们都无关紧要)
luxury cars and bling(豪华轿车和××)
thats not real life(那不是真正的人生)
i know you could reach the top(我知道你可以做到最好)
make sure that you won't stop(只要你继续向前)
be the one that you wanna be(去吧,寻找你想要的人生)
now sing this with me(现在,来和我一起唱着首歌)
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer(医生,演员,律师或是歌手)
why not president, be a dreamer(为什么不是总统呢? 大胆地去梦想)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
police man, fire fighter or a post man(*,消防员或是邮递员)
why not something like your old man(为什么不是像那样的老人呢)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
last year i used to dream about this day(去年的现在我梦想过今天)
now i'm here i'm singing for you(而现在我已站这里为你歌唱)
i hope i could inspire you(我希望可以鼓励你寻找梦想)
coz i've got all the love, coz i've got all love for you(因为我心中有爱)
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer(医生,演员,律师或是歌手)
why not president, be a dreamer(为什么不是总统呢? 大胆地去梦想) you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
police man, fire fighter or a post man(*,消防员或是邮递员)
why not something like your old man(为什么不是像那样的老人呢 )
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer(医生,演员,律师或是歌手)
why not president, be a dreamer(为什么不是总统呢? 大胆地去梦想)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
police man, fire fighter or a post man(*,消防员或是邮递员)
why not something like your old man(为什么不是像那样的老人呢 )
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer(医生,演员,律师或是歌手)
why not president, be a dreamer(为什么不是总统呢? 大胆地去梦想)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)
police man, fire fighter or a post man(*,消防员或是邮递员)
why not something like your old man(为什么不是像那样的老人呢)
you can be just the one you wanna be(你可以成为梦想中的那个人)

歌曲的名字错了~be what you wanna be.满有意思的歌~

热心网友 时间:2024-04-04 19:39

个人意见仅供参考:wanna是 want to 应该是你希望成为什么?不过这样就已经全无了呵呵
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