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Fascination 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 19:24



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 11:36

歌手:Everything But The Girl
专辑:Original Album Series

La Roux - Fascination
It's been 7 hours long
And your shadow still hangs on
You've been 2 weeks gone
And so tonight I followed you home
There are so many different ways
Of collecting all the strays
The ones that get away
Old fascinations we crave new sensations
Old fascination is feeding my frustration
It's feeding my frustrations
And I haven't got the patience
These sheets are still warm
This bed is our only home
We make arrangements over the phone
Where has all the conversation gone?
There are so many different ways
Of collecting all the strays
The ones that get away
Old fascinations we crave new sensations
Old fascination is feeding my frustration
It's feeding my frustrations
And I haven't got the patience
And fascinations
And fascinations
And fascinations
And fascinations
Old frustrations
New sensations
Old fascinations
New sensations
Old frustrations we crave
New sensations
Old fascinations it's feeding my frustrations

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