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找一首英文歌 感觉是牛仔或乡村风格的

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-05 05:48



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 13:14

Numb - Nick Jonas

This is so mb,

this is so bad

Had to be a numb
to miss you like that

You lift me up,
let me to fall
Fuck with my head like
was nothing that I want

Ruin my sight, ruin my all

I was your best,
and you were my first

Breaking my heart one
wish at a time

What left, freezing my mind

You don't know
what it is that you do to me

Yeah, you steal my heart
And all I have is a hole
where it used to be

And my heart is fighting
Now you've got some
substitute for me,

But it's not the one!
You don't know
what it is that you do to me

you leave me numb numb

you leave me numb numb

Losing my mind,

losing control

Swallow my pride,
you swallow me up
Smile in my face to cover my hurt,
Spending so much time,
but what was I worth?

I'm broken-heart,
I'm saving it up

Flaws in my hand,
mistaken for love

Dancing my back,
they told me to think

They ain't yours,
they ain't yours!
You don't know
what it is that you do to me

Yeah, you steal my heart
And all I have is a hole
where it used to be

And my heart is fighting
Now you've got some
substitute for me,

But it's not the one!
You don't know
what it is that you do to me,

you leave me numb numb

you leave me numb numb


Yeah, you leave me

I got dropped off at block-bus
from match marks in your rage
You say we are mildly players,
who's still act off the stage
I kept begging you to stay like
"Baby, please don't leave me"
"Know you want me
like bubble wants one more"

And I dream on,
you getting your plot
and your scheme on
And I'll be here
with my jeans on,
He loved me,
he loved me,
no he don't!
'Cause you made me feel
like night before Christmas
Love is a crime,
and I'm stuck in your prison
All that you want,
baby I'll go
This is. If you're numb,
I'm numb
Then what is we're feeling?
You don't know
what it is that you do to me

Yeah, you steal my heart
And all I have is a hole
where it used to be

And my heart is fighting
Now you've got some
substitute for me,

But it's not the one!
You don't know
what it is that you do to me,

you leave me numb numb

you leave me numb numb

you leave me numb

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 13:15

i'm you
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