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歌曲Hush hush -Avril Lavigne的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 09:17



热心网友 时间:2023-12-02 15:51

Hush Hush
演唱:Avril Lavigne

Hush hush

Hush hush

I didn't mean to kiss you

You didn't mean to fall in love

I never meant to hurt you

We never meant for it to mean this much

Hush hush now

I wanted to keep you

Forever next to me

You know that I still do

And all I wanted was to believe

Hush hush now

So go on, live your life

So go on, say goodbye

So many questions but I don't ask why

So this time I won't even try

Hush hush now

Hush hush now

When I try to forget you

I just keep on remembering

What we had was so true

But somewhere we lost everything

Hush hush now

(Hush hush now)

So go on, live your life

So go on, say goodbye

So many questions but I don't ask why

So go on, live your life

So go on and say goodbye

So many questions but I don't ask why

Maybe someday but not tonight

Hush hush now

(Hush hush now)

(Hush hush now)
Don't, don't, don't you ever say a word, word
Of what you ever thought you heard, heard
Don't you ever tell a soul

But you know

I tried to hide but I still believe
We, that we were always meant to be, be
But I can never have to go, no

Hush hush now

So go on, live your life

So go on and say goodbye
So many questions but I don't ask why

So go on, live your life
So go on and say goodbye

So many questions but I don't ask why

Maybe someday but not tonight

Hush hush now

Hush hush now

Hush hush…
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