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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 09:07



热心网友 时间:2023-06-12 16:08

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴鐢靛奖锛歐hite Chicks (2004)

review锛?br />White Chicks is a funny but crude comedy and goes over the top a lot. Shawn and Marlon Wayans play FBI agents assigned to investigate the kidnapping of rich debutantes in the Hamptons. In order to fit into this foreign territory, they go undercover as young white coeds, getting involved with a group of high society debutantes that may be able to help them solve the crimes. The premise has to be one of the mbest ideas ever but the movie doesn't take itself seriously and you can just sit back and enjoy. First problem is that after the transformation they look nothing like The Wilson sisters, but we have to accept that they do, since everyone else does. There are some really funny moments in the film but also just as many groans from the audience. Of course not all of it is funny some is way to racist to be funny and some is toilet humor which is the worst attempt at trying to get laughs. The cast is familiar with comedy and the leads Shawn Wayans and Marlon Wayans do their best and they are funny most of the time. Marlon Wayans is also the worst actor in the movie especially ring the serious scenes. Jessica Calffiel is hilarious as Tori and I hope she finds work in Hollywood since she's really talented and pretty. The rest of the cast is mostly unknowns and may spark a laugh here or there but they aren't worth mentioning .Keenen Ivory Wayans wrote and directed White Chicks however Scary Movie 1 and 2 are a lot better. A lot of people complain that this movie is too racist but you shouldn't take everything serious especially a mb comedy. Rating 6/10 funny movie yet it goes overboard with its 110 running time. This film is worth watching if you liked Scary Movie and other films of that caliber.
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