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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-02 12:21



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 16:37

你家有猫吗?你喜欢猫猫吗?你知道猫的本领吗? 抓老鼠是猫最厉害的本领, 相信你们一定全都知道猫抓老鼠吧!可是,对猫抓老鼠的本领你们知道多少呢? 猫呀,你一定不知道它的鬼主意!它只要盯上了老鼠,你无论如何打它,用食物* 它,它的眼神也一直瞄着老鼠洞,老鼠想过猫这关?没门!就算它插上翅膀也别想“飞过”猫的手心,猫嘛,就算两天三天不睡觉,也要捉到老鼠。 关于猫抓老鼠还另有妙招,猫会用自己长长的胡子测量一下老鼠洞,如果胡子比老鼠洞长出一大节,它们就会死等,如果短,它们就一个箭步冲上去捉住老鼠。 我家的猫还特有妙招!我家的猫抓老鼠,先会找到老鼠洞,从洞口放块石头,用一些吃的放在洞口,老鼠出来享用美味的同时,猫把洞口用石头顶住,然后再到处抓老鼠。这样老鼠也抓住了,还又节省了吃的,准备继续去下一个领地! 这就是我所说的猫的本领。那么你家的猫是属于第一种,还是第二种,还是属于我家的这种呢?
Do you have a cat in your family? You love cats? Do you know the power of the cat? Catch the mouse is the most powerful ability of the cat, I believe you must all know that the cat catch the mouse! But how much do you know about the ability of the cat to catch mice? The cat, you must have no idea what it's about! He just stared at the mouse, you hit it anyway, with the temptation of food it, its eyes have been looking at the mouse hole, the mouse thought of the cat? no way Even if it is inserted in the wings do not want to fly over the palm of the cat, the cat well, even if three days two days do not sleep, but also to catch mice. A cat and mouse also another coup, the cat can be used his long beard measure the mouse hole, if the beard than a rat hole grow a festive, they will die, if short, they a stride rushed to catch mice. My cat has unique coup! My cat catch mice, the first to find a mouse hole, from the mouth of the hole to put a stone, with some of the food on the mouth of the cave, the mouse to enjoy delicious at the same time, the cat to the hole with a stone to withstand, and then caught the mouse. So the mouse was caught, but also to save food, ready to continue to the next territory! This is the power of the cat. So your cat is one of the first, or second, or belong to my family?
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