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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-02 20:30



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 16:12

Chinese culture, consisting of 56 ethnic groups as basic foundation, is fully integrated with all the local cultures. With recent economic, political and millitary forces development, China's international status has improved significantly. Asian and European countries are raising their respect and attention drawn by Chinese culture. Introction of Chinese Culture is a course that mainly demonstrates Chinese philosophy, literature, art, science, technology, ecation, physical improvements, traditional festivals, food culture, dress, architecture, so on and forth. It provides a systematica means for university students to more deeply understand and inherit their own culture. Since we are majoring in English, it is not only our obligation, but a need from international interaction, that we should show the world the variety and civilization illustrated by the real Chinese culture.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 16:13






高三的水平而已,= =有错误提出

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 16:13

Chinese culture, is based on 56 Chinese nations. it 's a complete integration with all regional and cultural elements across the country. with the development of national strength, improvement of international status, Nations all over the world including someones in Asia and Europe pay great attention on Chinese culture. <the introction of Chinese culture> mainly introces Chinese philosophy and religion、literature、art、science and technology、ecation、athletics、traditional festivals、cooking culture、clothes、architecture and so on. It provides a way for college students to understand and inherit Chinese culture, since our major is English, It's not only a need to enhance the communication between international cultures, but also our ty to reveal Chinese abundant and gorgeous culture to people around the world.
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