发布时间:2023-08-04 15:49
时间:2024-12-14 06:39
还有没有东西需要/Is that all? / Anything else? (这些是普遍的短句*-相对正规英语看上去好像很不礼貌-但是英语waiter就是会这样说的) 如何覆客人已order的东西/Let me confirm your orders: …..接着讲出按他们每人每份的东西说出来 问客人需要的饮料的size/What size of the drink would you like?(这是长问法-甚少会用
只会在order当时漏了问才用) 当客人讲完某drink后(例如coke),即时的问法是:Small
Medium or Large (如果还有加大=Extra Large)? 如何告诉客人不收外币/I’m sorry but we don’t accept foreign currencies. (这是长句)Sorry
no foreign currencies. (这是短句)甚至当你自己唔系英文好叻: Sorry
local money only. 如何告诉客人价钱及帮客人结账/唔系好明这是甚么?帮客人结账通常是由客人主动提出的吧 – 你听到check please(美国人的*)
bill please(英国人的*),你可先回一句right away(=即来)便可以了。结账的银码便照数字读 – 唔系几十几百的fifty five dollars and fifty cents或o hundred and fifty seven dollars等无限可能都要教嘛!可以在前面加一句thank you for…$xxxx便可以了;如果是普通的餐厅$xxxx please.都是可接受的礼貌地告知要收的价钱。 问客人堂食还是带走/dine in (eat-in) or take away/ (take-out) 告诉客人我们已经准备关门
不接order/ I’m sorry
we’re closing – 如在门口未入来如果是已坐下你想通知不再加接order有个专有名词叫last call / last order?用问句的语气问便可以了(即尾声高少少)或加多一个词any last order?亦可以的。 如何欢迎客人然后问他需要点什么/Wele
please be seated
how can I help you? / What would your like to order? What would you like to have this evening/afternoon? 如何欢迎客人下次再光临/Thank you and please e again.Thank you and wele again.Thank you and hope to see you again.Thank you and look forward to serving you again.Thank you and I would be happy to serve you again.由普通餐厅至高级餐厅的用语参考 如何告诉客人我们没有售买他需要的东西/I’m sorry we don’t have that!I’m sorry we do not serve that!I’m sorry we don’t carry that!I’m sorry we don’t have that you want! [留意不是what you want那种正规英语的句法的-原因是以客户的角度设定这句的词][记住一定不用sell这个字的 – 听到we don’t sell that!代表英语水平低亦是对笿人不礼貌下逐客令才会这样讲的。]另外通常会接住建议你有甚么可以offer – Would you like to have XXX instead?才算完成交代。 问客人餐饮要冷还是热/hot or cold?另外有些饮品或可问with ice or without? 问客人带走的食品有没有需要先加热/例如甚么?Would you like to pre-heat it for you? 请客人在旁边等待外卖/Please wait on this side (指向) for the take-away!
希望能对你有帮助: 1. Good morning /good afternoon/ good evening/ good night; 2. Please be seated; please wait and I'll find the table for you; 3. How many persons with you; 4. Please follow me/ Follow me please; 5. That's your table/ that's your table over there; 6. This is the menu and what would you like to drink first; 7. Please give me a call / Anything you want please call me ; 8. Are you ready to order / what would you like to order / what would you like to eat; 9. What would you like your steak
medium or well done; 10.What would you like your egg
half-boiled; 11.How about the food / how about the dishes; It is OK;(问对食物的满意程度) 12.Is that finished;(问是否食完
可以将碟子收取) 13. Sir or Madam this is your bill; 14. Sir or Madam please go to the counter or cashier for payment; 15. Thank you for your patronage / Thank you for ing; 16. Please e again
good afternoon /good evening /good night; 17. We do accept any foreign currency. 18. Would you like your order taken out or eaten here. 19. Please wait outside for take out. 20. How do you like the tea
hot or cold.
参考: 根据yahoo智识网以前作者的专文资料及本人意见