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有没有The way to succeed的英文文章

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-04 19:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:26

01, not to say impossible three words.
02, first response : find a way, not excuses.
03 setbacks, speaking loudly to yourself : great!
04, not to say negative things, do not fall into the negative emotions, once the immediate positive approach
05, have a goal, and try to make the dream version
06, make a plan, as far as possible target visualization.
In 07, the working time. Every minute, every second to do things concive to the proction.
In 08, always use fragmentary time ( such as et al, queuing system. ).
09, punctuality.
10, write down, don't rely on brain memory.
11, to keep a record of inspiration.
In 12, the important idea, method to write it down, and up, as a reminder.
13, 30% to walk faster than usual, when walking, R., the health of a strong body language, not lazy bulk, dispirited.
14, go look in the mirror every day, give yourself a confident smile.
15, once a day.
16, insist on a campaign day.
17, listen to a minute, before doing anything important, fatigue, irritable mood, tense.
In 18, a meeting to sit in the front row.
In 19, smile.
20, listen, don't interrupt the speaker.
21, voice is powerful. Feel the sound seems to have powerful magnetic field.
22, before you speak, to think about each other's feelings.
23, every conscious, sincere praise of others for more than three times.
24, to write a thank you card, even with the memo writing.
25, not rebuke, accusing tone of voice to speak with others.
26, control should not be allowed to make their own to defend himself the first reaction.
27, do one thing every day divided Foreign Affairs
28, no matter what, must be at least once a day a little bit of progress
29, every arrive 15 minutes early, delayed by 30 minutes.
30, a day before quitting in 5 minutes for a day's work.
31, regular saving.
32, thrifty.
33, often using the brainstorming
In 34, the observance of good faith, said to do.
35, I am the best!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:26

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