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一般问题不会找高手您来 呵呵 语言学的问答题 选两道作答 一千分酬谢 食言是狗

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 04:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 18:59

In the first sentence,it means "with sense to".The same as "seven o'clock is fixed to be the breakfast time".when your watch is seven o'clock, you can go to the dining room to have your breakfast.
In the sencond sentence,it means"refer". The same as it is you who keep out. Also we can say "you should keep out"
In the third sentence ,the word "mean" means "plan to do" or "want to do".so we can use "do you want to wait" or "do you plan to wait"
without love life would have no meaning. The same as without love life would be useless or meaningless.Meaning means "what is conveyed or signified",full of purpose.
Phonetics (from the Greek: φωνή, phōnē, "sound, voice", pronounced /fɵˈnɛtɨks/) is a branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech.[1] It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds (phones), and their physiological proction, auditory perception, and neurophysiological status.
Phonetics was studied as early as 2500 years ago in ancient India, with Pāṇini's account of the place and manner of articulation of consonants in his 5th century BC treatise on Sanskrit. The major Indic alphabets today order their consonants according to Pāṇini's classification.
Phonetics as a research discipline has three main branches:
articulatory phonetics is concerned with the articulation of speech: The position, shape, and movement of articulators or speech organs, such as the lips, tongue, and vocal folds.
acoustic phonetics is concerned with acoustics of speech: The properties of the sound waves, such as their frequency and harmonics.
auditory phonetics is concerned with speech perception: How speech sounds are categorized, recognized, and interpreted by the auditory apparatus and the brain.
Phonology is "cambridge Introctions to Language and Linguistics".The phonological system of a language includes an inventory of sounds and their features, and rules which specify how sounds interact with each other. Phonology is just one of several aspects of language. It is related to other aspects such as phonetics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics.
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