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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 03:22



热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 10:53

Winter (Tianjin) fluid technology development Limited is a company specializing in high pressure, high pressure fluid connector; a high pressure fluid valves and instrial fluid quick connector design R & D and proction of the manufacturers, is now with several well-known foreign fluid technology company has established long-term cooperative research and development and supply relationship, and services covering all walks of life!

The company's business is divided into:

A. fluid connection technology: precision cold drawn steel tube, copper tube, multiple core pipe, pipe, pipe assembly, instrial hose, hydraulic hose assembly, SAE flange, card sets of joints, high pressure ball valve, needle valve, DIN pipe clamp, quick change connector.

B. sensing technology: temperature, pressure, flow, air tightness measurement and control procts;

C. professional equipment: leading international card sets of joints installation machine, expanding machine, deburring machine, bending machine, pipe molding equipment, hydraulic pneumatic complete sets of equipment.

D. PTFE finished and semi-finished procts (hydraulic pneumatic seals, guiding belt), PTFE, PEEK, PFA seats and components made of.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 12:11

Winter ( Tianjin ) fluid technology development Limited is a company specializing in high pressure, high pressure fluid connector; a high pressure fluid valves and instrial fluid quick connector design R & D and proction of the manufacturers, is now with several well-known foreign fluid technology company has established long-term cooperative research and development and supply relationship, and services covering all walks of life!The company's business is divided into:A. fluid connection technology: precision cold drawn steel tube, copper tube, multiple core pipe, pipe, pipe assembly, instrial hose, hydraulic hose assembly, SAE flange, card sets of joints, high pressure ball valve, needle valve, DIN pipe clamp, quick change connector.B. sensing technology: temperature, pressure, flow, air tightness measurement and control procts;C. professional equipment : leading international card sets of joints installation machine, expanding machine, deburring machine, bending machine, pipe molding equipment, hydraulic pneumatic complete sets of equipment.D. PTFE finished and semi-finished procts ( hydraulic pneumatic seals, guiding belt ), PTFE, PEEK, PFA seats and components made of


热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 13:45

Winter (tianjin) fluid technology development Co., LTD. Is specialized in high pressure, high pressure fluid connectors; High pressure fluid valve and instrial fluid quick change the design of the joint development and proction factory, is now and foreign many well-known fluid technology company has established long-term cooperation relationship between research and development and supply, and services cover all walks of life!
The business is divided into:
A. fluid connection technology: precision cold drawn steel tube, copper pipe, many core tube, coil, hard tube assembly, instrial hose and hydraulic hose assemblies, SAE flanged, card set of joint, high-pressure ball valve, DIN tube clip and needle valve, quick change connector.
B. sensing technology: temperature, pressure, and flow rate, air tightness measurement and control procts;
C. professional equipment: the leading international card set of joint pre installed machine, extension and mouth machine, deburring machine, pipe bender, pipeline molding equipment, hydraulic pneumatic equipment.
D. PTFE finished and semi-finished procts (hydraulic gas use sealing rings, guide with), PTFE, PEEK, PFA made of seat and components, etc.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 15:37

Winter ( Tianjin ) fluid technology development Limited is a company specializing in high pressure, high pressure fluid connector; a high pressure fluid valves and instrial fluid quick connector design R & D and proction of the manufacturers, is now with several well-known foreign fluid technology company has established long-term cooperative research and development and supply relationship, and services covering all walks of life!The company's business is divided into:A. fluid connection technology: precision cold drawn steel tube, copper tube, multiple core pipe, pipe, pipe assembly, instrial hose, hydraulic hose assembly, SAE flange, card sets of joints, high pressure ball valve, needle valve, DIN pipe clamp, quick change connector.B. sensing technology: temperature, pressure, flow, air tightness measurement and control procts;C. professional equipment : leading international card sets of joints installation machine, expanding machine, deburring machine, bending machine, pipe molding equipment, hydraulic pneumatic complete sets of equipment.D. PTFE finished and semi-finished procts ( hydraulic pneumatic seals, guiding belt ), PTFE, PEEK, PFA seats and components made of
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