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高中英语作文:《Teenager's pressure》﹐要求在内文!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 03:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 03:56


Alts always say the most valuable and cheerful time is when they were teenagers, as when you grow up, there are more worries and troubles. However, teenagers also have growing pains and pressures.

First, e to the nature of overpopulation, Chinese teenagers have more academic pressure than other countries’. There is fierce competition everywhere which forced teenagers to develop and obtain comprehensive skills, that is also the reason why many parents paid excessive tutoring for their children. Moreover, there are endless assessments and exercises, especially for students facing university entrance examinations. (课业压力)

In addition, nowadays, teenagers have significantly better living conditions since the fast growing of China. They are living in the so-called “information age”, they have an easier access to every corner of the world via internet. Thus, they are facing the pressure to be too addicted or distracted from these high-tech applications and cannot concentrate on their studies. (新生事物*的压力)

Furthermore, teenagers are more precocious than before and they fall in love earlier than their parents’ decades. Thus, they face the pressure to deal with their more complicated relationships with friends and lovers. (早熟与早恋的压力)

In general, recent teenagers faces more pressures than they used to and it is important for us to know, thus to help them release from these pressures as much as possible.
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