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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-29 15:51



热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:42

1 Tom does his homework first when hw get shome/arrives home/reaches home。
2 After that he had a quick bath and then went to school at half past seven。
3 The icecream tastes good。
4 My parents like/love to have/take a walk after supper。
5 ---Is your home far away from the school?
--- About 2 kilometres。
6 It took us 40 minutes to clean the room。
7 I t took them an hour to excercise 。
8 My mother told me to go back home a little earlier。


热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:43

1.When Tom came back to home,he does his homewrk first.
2.After that, he took a bath quickly and went to school at half past seven.
3.The ice cream tastes good.
4.My parents like to go for a walk after dinner, beacuse they know it's good for them.
5.How far is your home from your school? It's about two kilometers.
6. It took us 40 minutes to clean the room.
7. It took them one hour to excercise.
8.My mother told me to go home early.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:43

1.Tom will do the homework at first when he get to home
2.After that he took a shower quickly and went to school at 7:30.
3.The ice-cream tastes delicious
4.My parents like to have a walk after dinner because they know that it is good for them
5.How far is your home to school?
About 2 kilometers
6.It took us 40 minutes to clean the room
7.It took them 1 hour to exercise
8.My mother told me that I should go home early

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:44

1.Tom does his homework first , when he gets home.
2.After that , he has a shower quickly and goes to school at 7:30.
3.The ice cream tastes good .
4.My parents like walking after supper, because they know it is good for them.
5. HOw far is your home to school?
It is about two kilometers .
6.It took us 40 minutes to clean the room.
7.It took them one hour to exercise.
8.My mother told me to get home early.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:44

1.When he came to home,he's doing his homework first.
2.After that he took a bath quickly and went to school before half past seven.
3.The ice cream tastes delious.
4. My parents like go for a walk after dinner because they know it's good for them.
5.----How far is your home from your school?
----About two kilometers long.
6.I spent forty minutes to clean room.
7.It takes them an hour to do exercise.
8.My mum asked me went home early .

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:42

1 Tom does his homework first when hw get shome/arrives home/reaches home。
2 After that he had a quick bath and then went to school at half past seven。
3 The icecream tastes good。
4 My parents like/love to have/take a walk after supper。
5 ---Is your home far away from the school?
--- About 2 kilometres。
6 It took us 40 minutes to clean the room。
7 I t took them an hour to excercise 。
8 My mother told me to go back home a little earlier。


热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:43

1.When Tom came back to home,he does his homewrk first.
2.After that, he took a bath quickly and went to school at half past seven.
3.The ice cream tastes good.
4.My parents like to go for a walk after dinner, beacuse they know it's good for them.
5.How far is your home from your school? It's about two kilometers.
6. It took us 40 minutes to clean the room.
7. It took them one hour to excercise.
8.My mother told me to go home early.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:43

1.Tom will do the homework at first when he get to home
2.After that he took a shower quickly and went to school at 7:30.
3.The ice-cream tastes delicious
4.My parents like to have a walk after dinner because they know that it is good for them
5.How far is your home to school?
About 2 kilometers
6.It took us 40 minutes to clean the room
7.It took them 1 hour to exercise
8.My mother told me that I should go home early

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:44

1.Tom does his homework first , when he gets home.
2.After that , he has a shower quickly and goes to school at 7:30.
3.The ice cream tastes good .
4.My parents like walking after supper, because they know it is good for them.
5. HOw far is your home to school?
It is about two kilometers .
6.It took us 40 minutes to clean the room.
7.It took them one hour to exercise.
8.My mother told me to get home early.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-11 23:45

1.When he came to home,he's doing his homework first.
2.After that he took a bath quickly and went to school before half past seven.
3.The ice cream tastes delious.
4. My parents like go for a walk after dinner because they know it's good for them.
5.----How far is your home from your school?
----About two kilometers long.
6.I spent forty minutes to clean room.
7.It takes them an hour to do exercise.
8.My mum asked me went home early .
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