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Sublime的《Free Loop》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 13:04



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 06:20

歌曲名:Free Loop

Free Loop
I'm a little used to calling outside your name
I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane
But I don't know enough, I get some kinda lazy day
Hey yeah
I've been fabulous through to fight my town a name
I'll be stooped tomorrow if I don't leave as them both the same
But I dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day
Hey yeah
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright
I'm a little used to wandering outside the rain
You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same
But I don't know enough, I need someone who leaves the day
Hey yeah
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright
Free Loop--Daniel Powter
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright
Cause it's hard for me to lose
In my life I've found only time will tell
And I will figure out that we can baby
We can do a one night stand, yeah
And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby

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