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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-30 01:05



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:20

1.大象的背像一堵墙 The elephant's back is like a wall.
2.老虎的尾巴像绳子 The tiger's tail is like a rope.
3.大象的腿像柱子 The elephant's leg is like a pole.
4.大象的耳朵像大饼 The elephant's ear is like a big cake
5.大象的尾巴像蛇 The elephant's tail is like a snake.
6.大象的眼睛像灯泡 The elephant's eye is like a bulb.
7.大象的耳朵像扇子 The elephant's ear is like a fan.

我希望新学期我能够更上一层楼 I hope I can make a further grogress in the new term.

The Great Changes of My Home Town
Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years.There was only one school before but now there are 3 schools,including a key middle school.The roads are much wider than what they were a few years ago.The people there have moved to their new big house and live a happy life.

The Importance of English Learning
As we all know,English is a world language,it is the most important tool in communication.A person who has a good knowledge of English can get a good job in the future.So learning English is very important.We should take good use of the time in school,and pratise English everyday.

A Public Activity
I took part in a public activity yesterday.We raised money for the Hope Project.Many people came to the activity and contributed money.A boy of only 10 years old came to the activtiy too.He was from a very poor family.He had 10 yuan,and it was his only pocket money.He contributed it.I was so moved by him.This was a good activity.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:20

1. elephants back like a wall. 2. The tiger's tail like a rope

I hope I can be the new semester.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:21

My home in the east, was very backward. Baiyun Airport in the past but after the great changes in his hometown has become. For example: more high-rise buildings, people become more affluent. But a lot of air pollution, since the arrival of the airport, the road has a lot of vehicles. Not long ago the village green

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:22

为什么来大姨妈胸会胀 少儿学什么舞蹈 青年学什么舞蹈好 成年人学什么舞蹈 福州企业最低工资标准 2013年厦门的底薪是多少 生产要素的需求有哪些性质 生产要素的需求有何特点? 什么是生产要素需求 微观经济学要素需求什么是条件要素需求?它和要素需求有什么不同?_百度... 广东工业大学好就业的专业有哪些 广东最好就业的专业 就是用vba 实现在Excel 中计数,就是A1:A10中是计数区域,B 1:B 10... ...多组数据的5th与95th的百分位数,一下为EXCEL VBA程序,请问程序错误... 五星红旗迎风飘扬李纳吃饼干是哪集 电视剧【五星红旗迎风飘扬】中李纳是戏份出现在第几集呢 支队章和支部章的区别 入党政审是盖党支部委员会的章还是党支部的章 《乌合之众》经典语录:句句在说别人,却又觉得在说自己与人性 我的“维纳斯”小说txt全集免费下载 NOS-阴离子作配体时是那个原子配位、如何命名?? 23毫米有什么宁通宝? 大辽通宝现存多少枚 澳洲维多利亚州概况及优秀中学推荐 来宾迁江至北流路程有多少公里 从来宾去忻城县票价是多少 来宾市民乐路跟迁江离得有多远吗? 哪位给我说说,怎样从来宾市坐车到来宾银海铝? 来宾到迁江镇有多少公里 来宾火车站距迁江镇可乘坐班车吗? 形容一个作品快要完成的成语 双流个人买社保和灵活就业哪个好 上海新桥的晨星小区房子怎么样?为什么和周边的房子差几十万呢?_百度知... 芝麻信用怎么看押金多少 自己交社保和灵活就业交哪个好 +20 165 91216001是啥电话?是诈骗电话? 一侧排卵一侧不排卵,需要做手术吗? 为什么b超显示一侧卵巢有卵泡一侧没有 邵阳市隆回县一职中要多少分 隆回一职中有哪个是王牌专业 要是感觉累了困了,喝红牛怎么样?对于我们天天做体力的劳动者来说?_百... 邵阳市隆回深达高级中学师和隆回一职中比谁好 电视剧错爱里面的刘志刚最后为什么和周佳丽离婚 佳丽腻子和绿舟腻子区别 古代韩国是现在的什么地方 染指军门冷少不更新了吗 梦见藏地下室的预兆 梦见在地窖里 磷酸锰铁锂含碳量 村级报账申请表怎么填写