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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-30 01:06



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 17:36

Free Wi-Fi services are widespread in Hong Kong. In particular, there are many Wi-Fi.HK hotspots, which are completely free or free for a certain period of time. Look for the Wi-Fi.HK logo at venues across the city and the Wi-Fi.HK SSID on your device.
You can find these and other free Wi-Fi hotspots at the following locations:
The Government’s free Wi-Fi service, GovWiFi is widely available across the city in locations such as: major parks and gardens, visitor centres, public libraries, sports venues, cultural and recreational centres, ferry terminals, cooked food markets and cooked food centres, job centres, community halls, and government buildings. See more here.
Hong Kong International Airport
Free wireless Internet access is available at most seating and public areas in the passenger terminals. No registration is required. Learn more here.
MTR stations
You can connect to the internet with a mobile device near the ‘MTR Free Wi-Fi Hotspot’ sign in every MTR station. Simply select the ’MTR Free Wi-Fi’ network for free connectivity of up to 15 minutes per session, with a maximum of five sessions for each smartphone / computer per day. More details here.
HKBN and Y5ZONE Wi-Fi Hotspots
Hong Kong Broadband Network and Y5ZONE provide free Wi-Fi across Hong Kong covering tourist attractions such as the sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck; shopping malls; restaurants; cafes like McDonald’s and Starbucks; and public transport such as the New World First Ferries. To enjoy the service, select ‘-Free HKBN Wi-Fi-‘ or ‘Y5ZONE’ Wi-Fi network. Simply open your browser and input the URL address you wish to access to get connected for free. (Limited free access per day, please see HKBN /Y5ZONE websites for Ts & Cs).
csl Wi-Fi hotspots
csl free Wi-Fi hotspots can be found on all MTR platforms and concourses, selected Starbucks Coffee, Pacific Coffee, 7-Eleven and Circle K outlets and at selected phone booths. This service allows you to browse the Hong Kong Tourism Boards website and download apps from it for free.*
How to Download Mobile Apps via Free csl Wi-Fi

Source: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/us/plan-your-trip/traveller-info/communications/wi-fi.jsp#ixzz3irc7KAHm
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