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英语作文 只要中文也行!! 电脑在我的生活中很有用 60字

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-31 14:09



热心网友 时间:2024-01-30 05:16

My computer is a good partner of mine in my life.It helps me to search informations for my assignments. It is convenient for me to go shopping online. I use computer to get in touch with my friends whom are in other cites. Besides, I can read ebooks,listen music and play games trough my computer in my spare time.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-30 05:16

My Mind About The Computer Games
In the current period,a lot of peoples like to play the Computer games,I like to play the same.
One day,i had played a interesting game.it needed me to input a player-name,i did.the string i inputed is"123456...60".just 60 chars.so i think if I write this string into my composition now i'm writing.I'll needn't write more words,because it just conform to the requirements of you!

热心网友 时间:2024-01-30 05:16

Computer is increasingly popular in people’s daily life. The number of computer in every family is more than TV set. Some people think it is so great that they all regard it as a gift from the heaven.
Computer makes human beings’ life become easier. People can do many things that they can’t do before. They can read newspaper without buying it, only sitting in front of their computer, clicking mouse to open website. Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer games are the common things that people often do by computer. But without computer, they can’t do all these easily. In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work. People can have classes and work on it.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-30 05:17


热心网友 时间:2024-01-30 05:18

上海大名城映_有多少户? 英特尔处理器漏洞有哪些害? 英特尔漏洞都会影响哪些CPU?下一代还会影响吗? cpu使用率100%是怎么回事呀? 生姜红茶减肥法骗局 鲁东大学大一新生电话卡是用的学校发的联通卡吗? 鲁东大学用移动的多还是用联通的多?求师哥师姐们解答 ...牙齿一碰到溃疡就疼,治疗口腔溃疡的偏方有哪些呢? 我想找一个飞车情侣名字,我有车队,车队名字是丿茗门丨灬 梦幻悟空传变态版安卓APK 电脑有助于我的英语学习 英语作文,60个词 电动跳绳器遥控器接收器怎么用 ...灵动仙玉跟静息仙玉有什么区别 静息仙玉能不能买锦衣跟祥瑞坐骑_百 ... 梦幻西游~灵动仙玉和静息仙玉有什么区别 静息仙玉和灵动仙玉有什么区别 开学典礼发言致辞稿怎么写 《恰似你的温柔_2》最新txt全集下载 动迁新政策里的保底是什么意思 联营商保底政策定义是什么意思啊 2016年11月京东自营商城买了一台小米note手机 出现自动关机质量问题... 学生工年龄规定 可以是纯数字吗? 祁东城关一中教育家 祁东一中王栋 祁东一中副校长叫什么名字 will you.回答 yes i ---(promise) 补牙填药为什么会痛 补牙前封药后疼痛是什么引起的呀 用动词写洗红领巾的句子过程怎么写 正在洗红领巾的人怎么画? 当领导让你去一个不想去的地方工作有什么理由可以推掉? 老板要我到外地工作,我不想去,怎么拒绝他呀? 刚到的公司要求去外地工作,如何客气的回绝? 如何拒绝上司让自己去外地工作? “为人父母就是卑微”成为热议话题,作为父母为了孩子可以奉献多少?_百度... 美团优选上面的货是真的吗 膨果期能打芸苔素吗 磷酸二氢钾与芸苔素混合给西红柿叶面喷施的配比 缺铁性贫血能长期喝多维铁口福液吗 婴幼儿服多唯素铁补血口服液多久比较合适 多维铁口服溶液最多能吃几个月 产后三十天可以出门吗 没有坐满30天月子了可以出去吗 口服。一次4粒,一日3~4次,小儿酌减。我10岁,那么我一天几次几粒?_百... 梦见与责怪死去父亲的预兆 长白山7月和8月哪个月去好 数学黄金比??? 地中海脱发最常见,到底是为什么 头发出现地中海的原因? 我才22,为什么我头发掉的快成地中海了