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用英语来描写广州的风景区 (40字)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-24 08:47



热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 23:21

Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain

Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain is located north of the mountains of southern Guangdong, known as "Yangcheng first show", "South Vietnam, the first mountain." Formed by the more than 30 mountain peaks, climb can be overlooking the city, overlooking the Pearl River. Whenever the weather was fine or late spring rain, clouds shrouded the mountains, mountain name which come.
Baiyun Mountain, magnificent mountains, hills, valleys aspect. Po existing monuments mountain streams, according to legend Qin Zheng Zhu Shi seclusion of the security term; nine Longquan, according to legend discovered in the Qin Dynasty, a thousand years of history. There are close to the tomb of the Ming Dynasty singer Joe Zhang 2, the Bank said that flowers mound; Qing Liu Yongfu Black Flag Army of the book "Tiger," the word stone, shaped like a live tiger set up. There dripping rock, Baiyun Xiao Wang, clouds later see, the first peak days of the South, Pearl House, Moon Water Tower and other King. The "clouds evening look," climb cloud, leaning cliffs, lean on a railing overlooking the Pearl River, such as with floats in the vast expanse of land, panoramic view of Guangzhou. "Purun Yuan Quan", "clouds evening look," "Jingtai go by", etc. are included in the "Guangzhou Eight
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