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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-25 11:32



热心网友 时间:2024-01-20 08:27

Do not complain anybody, no matter anything, all options in their hand, have chosen actually, no matter to and wrong must face.

In life, no matter has any matter, trades an angle to think, looks for a joyful reason as far as possible for oneself, we should probably smile as far as possible, but is not cries.

Receives God is attached to, you must believe that you are lucky, receives God makes fun, you must believe that you are lucky. Because, God is trading another way to discipline your will.

Must pay as far as possible sincerely to each people, if that person is false, then you become estranged him, if that person is also sincere, you will obtain a valuable friendship.

You may help others not on own initiative, but others requested you help, so long as you can with every effort, please as far as possible! Do not let the request help that person is disappointed to this world. He will also feel grateful you.

Not only and is and the beloved person altogether crosses the life only then to call happiness, so long as you are living, so long as you can realize that in the life the good and bad in life, this already was one kind is happy. Therefore, please treasure.

Did not dare saying that the day forever will not collapse down, but, in you were living time, I could guarantee that it will not collapse. Therefore, will not have the judgment day, all will have the favorable turn. So long as you are initiative.

Has the parents, must understand feels grateful, must understand filial; Has brothers the sisters, must be on intimate terms falls in love, helps mutually; Has the friend, must the mutual tolerance and understanding, contain mutually. Because, the love is supports you to live the biggest courage.

No matter the life is laughable, no matter how the humans affair does change variably, do not be therefore discouraged. Because, this world will also have not the laughable thing to be worth you pursuing.

Believes you, do not deny itself. Sometimes is not most people's opinion is. Sometimes, perhaps just is stands you. Must depend on you to distinguish.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-20 08:28

Do not blame anyone, regardless of anything, in fact all have the right to choose their own hands, choose, whether it is right and wrong must face.
Life, regardless of what happened, think about it from a different angle, as far as possible to find a happy reason, we should try to laugh, not cry.
By God's love, you must believe that he is lucky, the Zhuolong by God, you must believe that he is lucky. This is because, in God for another way to temper your will.
As far as possible to each and every indivial have to pay in good faith, if that person is hypocritical, and then you alienate him, if that person is sincere, you will get a valuable friendship.
You can not take the initiative to help others, but others seek your help, as long as you can to, if possible! Do not let that person requesting help on this world disappointed. He will be grateful to you.
And not only those who share the love and life才叫happiness, as long as you live, if you could go in the mixed experience of life, this is already a kind of happiness. Therefore, please treasure.
Dare not say that day will never fall down, but when you alive, I can guarantee that it will not collapse. Therefore, there will be no end of the world, and all will have transfer. If you take the initiative.
Have parents, we should know how to Thanksgiving, it is necessary to know filial piety; siblings, but also to love each other, help each other; friends, but also mutual understanding and mutual tolerance. This is because love is the greatest support you alive courage.
No matter how ridiculous life, regardless of how capricious the world is changing, not so disheartened. Because this world will not worthy of you ridiculous things to pursue.
Finally a yes, I believe you should not deny his. Sometimes is not the majority view is correct. Sometimes, perhaps justice is on your side. Rely on your own to identify

热心网友 时间:2024-01-20 08:28

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