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英语作文200字 关于小兔子的

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 08:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 04:29

Rabbits are some interesting animal, though not as a very common pet in the household, they offer equally amusing experience to the owner as a cat or dog. Aside from their glossy white fur, is their intelligence. One day, I was doing my homework, and my rabbit was just running around the house as usual. It was not meal time yet, so I just let it be. However, it was bumping into things continuously, the noise bothered me very much and I could not concentrate on the homework. I looked at the rabbit, it was bumping on the leg of a table. On the edge of the table was a carrot that I had left there for its meal. I guess it was already hungry, and it continuously bumped the table, with each bump, the carrot came closer to the edge. I watched amusingly, and with the last bump the carrot dropped to the ground and the rabbit started chewing on it ravenously. I guess rabbits have some intelligence, after all.

参考资料:egregia cum laude from pre-school DT

热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 04:29

I like rabbits.They have soft surs.All of them have long ears and short tails.Every rabbit has three one half mouth.There are white,black and brown for rabbits.I like the rabbits in white.Their eyes like small red hulbs.How cute they are!
呃 好像没有200字 我也只能写这么多了 再挤也挤不出来多少墨水了


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