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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 08:16



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 23:07

Last year the National Day, mom and I saw a dog on the roadside, from those colorful puppy, at first glance I like doug.
His flesh, a small roll yellowish-brown fur, smooth and black eyes are looking at me, said to me, take me home? This let me heartache, and I ask mom bought him.
I didn't expect that he came home after defecate indiscriminately crustily skin of head, I followed him, keep clean, sometimes, I get angry at him some enjoyment, but he's running around me to jump. Mother said: "it doesn't matter, now he is not reasonable, and some can better." Then my mom and smiled and said: "he is and you did when ah!"
Days went by, so when the urine want doug, will go to the door, I just scratched open the door, he will go downstairs, of course, many flower beds is he begged me to accompany him, standing in the doorway looking at me wag tail. He will use eyes to communicate with my body and mind again, I will be at his people? He knew my mood changes, I am happy, he had a free, such as to jump back and forth on the sofa, I could stop him, he dares and I play ", "tear when I am not happy, he will quietly beside me.
In the morning, my little alarm clock rang, he would chop my bedside, he didn't stop until I went there, his day, I never late. When I get home from school, as long as my mouth, click for hook off in the doorbell, doug will run down the stairs to meet me, he will give us carry my husband's slippers yesterday. He always had the fiddle, happy every day, never haggle over gain and loss.
In last year's winter vacation, doug gave birth to a serious ended his short life. Remember him in sickness ring the day, I take her to inject, till the last he was even couldn't even stand up, but he is still so optimistic and happy. Still, and before we who returned home, he will come up to greet, adhere to go downstairs.
Ah! My lovely doug, in my eyes, you never is a pet, but my partner, your inner world and I, contain rich emotions. Thank you, doug, you taught me optimistic upward, you let me know how happy each day...
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